The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ClaV
Date: 2015-03-06 19:53
From the point that Bb reeds seem to work really great for E-flat (with a Backun barrel and at least wider-rail mouthpieces).
Have anyone tried to use German-cut B-flat reeds on E-flat mouthpieces?
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2015-03-06 19:58
Is there a specific brand of German-cut reeds that you would recommend? What strength of reed do you use for your Eb as compared to what you use for your Bb?
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Author: Ed
Date: 2015-03-06 20:02
You can use the Vandoren White Master. Some Eb clarinet mouthpieces are even designed to take this reed.
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2015-03-06 20:15
Why use a German cut rather than an "American" cut...or whatever cut is most popular here in the USA?
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Author: TomS
Date: 2015-03-06 20:50
Our former principal clarinet here in Central Arkansas, when he returned from several years in the UK, was playing Yamaha clarinets with a Vandoren A-2 crystal with Vandoren German cut reeds. He cut the tail-end off the same reeds and used them on his R13 E-flat.
Worked pretty good. This combination on the soprano clarinets gave him a really hollow, haunting ping ... beautiful.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2015-03-06 20:57
To answer the query as to "why," Eb clarinet mouthpieces are smaller than Bb mouthpieces. So even though some use standard (French Cut) Bb reeds (modified by cutting the butt end shorter or using a barrel with a notch to accept a Bb reed), it is still a compromise since the vamp is a bit too long and the reed is a bit too wide.
German Mouthpieces are smaller than standard (French) Bb mouthpieces, so the reeds contoured for those mouthpieces would in fact be a better match (size wise) for an Eb clarinet mouthpiece.
Personally I still prefer Eb clarinet me a rebel.
.............Paul Aviles
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2015-03-06 21:06
German cut Bb reeds also fit the narrower facing of older Selmer mouthpieces (Table A, etc.) much better than French Bb reeds.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2015-03-06 21:47
Ahhh!!! Maybe my search for the perfect Eb reed will soon be over! I normally use a Gonzales FOF 2 3/4 strength reed. Would you recommend a 2 1/2 or a 3 for me in a German cut reed?
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Author: ClaV
Date: 2015-03-06 21:52
How the strength and response of German Bb reeds compares with "standard" Bb reeds. What would be closest match for Vandoren Blue Box 3.5 and 4? Or any specific recommendations for Vandoren B40 Eb mouthpiece?
Paul, I agree that it may be better to use orginal Eb reeds. Yet the ease/blessing of adjusting and carrying just one type of reeds is so great! Plus the tone seems to a bit less shrilling with Bb and stability is better. Those undercut barrels are marvelous!
Post Edited (2015-03-06 21:53)
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Author: donald
Date: 2015-03-07 04:37
Funny you ask.... I use V12 3.5 on my eefer (an old Brad Behn mouthpiece he 'faced for me in 1995) and 3.75 on B flat.
I've just bought a box of Vandoren Blackmaster 3.5 (a shop nearby stocked up on them years ago when a fad for playing German mouthpieces swept NZ, then never sold most of them so they are at an old price) and these were way too hard. I exchanged 7 of them for 3s... these are still too hard....
The 2 that I played is way too soft (I bought 2's to use on my classical clarinet- it requires a very soft reed). I haven't tried 2.5
I haven't tried them on E flat yet, as I'm very happy with the V12 3.5s, and I have a couple of boxes of those waiting around (bought off a friend who had kept them for years and never used them).
hope this was helpful
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Author: ClaV
Date: 2015-03-07 08:16
Thank you, Donald!
That is really helpful, so I will aim at 2.5, possibly some 3 when I'll have a chance to get German reeds. I am really curious how they would work on E-flat (minus the reed adjustments).
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Author: maxopf
Date: 2015-03-07 08:26
I just started playing Eb fairly recently. I was using V12s at first, which were fine, but a friend gave me some White Master reeds to try and I think I may prefer them. A 3.5 works fine on the 5RV Eb mouthpiece I'm using. I'd be curious to try Peter Leuthner German reeds on Eb too, as I use their French Bb reeds.
Like with any Bb reed, you have to either cut it down or use the specially designed Backun barrel.
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