The Clarinet BBoard
Author: seabreeze
Date: 2015-02-19 20:04
This is the way music happens on a wind instrument. As Wenzel Fuchs likes to say "the German sound begins in the mind," Substitute "Coltrane" for "German" and you've got it. Performance does not flow from mechanisms--the recorder has none. A Zen koan could express the principle: "What is the sound of no (or any) mechanism?" "It is the sound of the mind, breath and fingers underlying the mechanism (or mechanism void)."
This is why (some) recorder players can zip out the Flight of the Bumble Bee on no mechanism except a tube bored with holes and stopped at one end with a fipple. The mind, breath and fingers play the piece, not the (missing) key mechanism. Indian flute players segment the sound into microtones in the same way. Microtones as well as Coltrane's accents and inflections all come from the mind transmitted to the breath and fingers. Music is an organic reflection of the mind/body concept of the performer. Or course it still doesn't hurt if you've got that little extra bis key for Daphnis if you can't play it without the key!
Benoit Sauve does the mind-to- breath-and finger transfer better than most. Love to hear him take up the clarinet, with or without key mechanisms.
Post Edited (2015-02-19 21:43)
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Author: kilo
Date: 2015-02-21 03:02
Glad I caught this before it became an "older topic". Wow. I can't believe he did that. I couldn't play it half that well at half that speed on my tenor.
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