The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Steven Ocone
Date: 2015-02-17 17:30
From the web site
"Manufactured by Buffet Crampon, in specially dedicated German workshops in Markneukirchen."
Steve Ocone
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Author: derf5585
Date: 2015-02-18 05:55
I bought an E-11 about a year ago. Since it was "The end of the year model" I got a great discount. I wonder if it is the same as before or "improved".
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Author: pewd
Date: 2015-02-18 19:22
From the above links -
It looks like the 'new' E11's are made cheaper:
e11 - bladder pads, nickel finish. And i 'think' the posts are glued on. fixed thumb rest.
e12f - screwed on posts, silver finish, and leather pads. Adjustable thumb rest. My students with e12f's have very few maintenance issues. They still use junk for key cork and glue however.
I continue to recommend E12F's for beginning students, they are a very good student model instrument.
There are now so many iterations of E11's I can't keep them straight...
I wish they'd put leather pads and decent key cork on new R13's...
- Paul Dods
Dallas, Texas
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2015-02-18 20:45
>> e11 - bladder pads, nickel finish. And i 'think' the posts are glued on. <<
Do you know of a better photo? The one on the web page is too low res to tell. I can't believe they would resort to that again...
They came out with this new post mount on the E11 France. They had possibly the biggest release and had a website just for that model. They advertised that new post mount as a good feature.
It was a terrible design and it backfired. Many repairers and dealers complained, so much that they pretty quickly discontinued that model and deleted any trace of it they could.
Now many people are stuck with a very unreliable clarinet...
I doubt they would use that post mount again.
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Author: derf5585
Date: 2015-02-19 00:45
Could someone explain the different methods of post assembly
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2015-02-19 10:34
Chris, in that larger photo, it's still hard to be sure, but it does look like thye are using that same post mount again... which is unbelievable!
Maybe somoene here knows for sure?
derf5585, the regular and much better method is where the posts are threaded into the body.
The terrible mount on the E11 France and possibly this newer version of E11 is where there is just a rod sliding into a hole in the body, with a bit sticking out into a countersunk area to keep the correct orientation.
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Author: pewd
Date: 2015-02-19 18:29
I really hate it when an E11 F comes into my studio for repairs.
I haven't seen one of the new ones yet, I probably won't until next fall, when a new crop of beginner students gets their instruments. They usually select the cheapest one, which is why I'd imagine Buffet's cutting these corners, but it sure hurts the quality, and, ultimately, increases the students' repair costs.
- Paul Dods
Dallas, Texas
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