The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ThatPerfectReed
Date: 2014-03-03 04:44
Attachment: clarinets.jpg (97k)
Which clarinet from the attached picture do you think is the best?
Please be prepared to defend your answer using areas of study like harmonics, intonation, ability to project, sound quality, clearness of articulation, key placement, etc. ![[wink]](
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Author: JamesOrlandoGarcia
Date: 2014-03-03 04:59
Purple is more ideal for chamber music while the blue brings the power needed in major orchestral playing.
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Author: kilo
Date: 2014-03-03 05:15
Red is for hot Dixieland. The white one would be nice outdoors at night. There ought to be a camo one for playing in a tree stand.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2014-03-03 05:29
They NEVER make a clear one, which is the only one I want .
Ken Shaw
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Author: fskelley
Date: 2014-03-03 06:08
Until I looked at the photo I thought we were going to have a real cat fight right here on BBoard. Darn, that would have been entertaining.
OK- I forgot to answer the question. Obviously it's pink, because you'll be working so hard to overcome the complete lack of respect from your audience, that you'll play your very best. And we all know that good technique beats good equipment any day. Same as good defense beats good offense in the NFL- see most recent Super Bowl.
Stan in Orlando
EWI 4000S with modifications
Post Edited (2014-03-03 06:11)
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2014-03-03 06:21
The pink one for girls, the blue one for boys. 'Nuff said.
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Author: clarinetist04
Date: 2014-03-03 06:25
It's like the president's tie...depending on the kind of mood he wants to convey dictates the color of his tie.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2014-03-03 02:18
It tis indeed a colourful world.
I'd take the white one if it was a Jupiter JCL-631-II.
Which it isn't :(
"The Clarinet is not a horn"
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Author: Garth Libre
Date: 2014-03-03 02:49
If your sound is dull and plasticky, it doesn't matter which color you choose. There are some old, tarnished looking wood clarinets that sparkle, and there are bright plastic clarinets that seem dull by comparison. I wonder if some great mouthpiece can make these cheap plastic horns sound fantastic.
Garth, 305-981-4705.
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Author: marcia
Date: 2014-03-03 05:28
Combination of red and green for Christmas music. It would make it sound much more festive. ![[tongue]](
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Author: MartyMagnini
Date: 2014-03-03 17:52
You guys missed the obvious answer:
Black is best - my teacher played a black clarinet, and we've been playing black clarinets for hundreds of years. Anything that's not exactly like it used to be is BAD and to be avoided at all costs - without play-testing. You don't have to play-test something to know that it looks different, and different is always bad. It's black, I tell you, black!
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Author: kilo
Date: 2014-03-03 17:57
It's black, I tell you, black!
. . . waiting for the boxwood mafia to show up . . .
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Author: Dori
Date: 2014-03-03 18:57
Alternating red and white joints like a candy cane would also work for Christmas music. Blue and white is appropriate for Chanukah music.
If you wear something other than all black for concerts be sure not to clash with your instrument.
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Author: fskelley
Date: 2014-03-03 14:32
Ed wrote:
> This what Ken wants-
> These were made by Buffet a number of years ago
I really really like that. I wonder how badly I would miss my Arioso.
I imagine this in a band with one of those clear Yamaha grand pianos. And of course there are transparent drums. Transparent clothes (or commando style)? I just ruined the image.
Stan in Orlando
EWI 4000S with modifications
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Author: ThatPerfectReed
Date: 2014-03-03 15:33
Further elaboration on Ed's contribution to Ken's desire for a clear clarinet:
Mr. Magnin's satire (I presume) is well received: we are slow to adopt new things into our clarinet realm, sometimes simply for slowness' sake--although I want to say we adopt change faster than we did 100 years ago.
Still, the day that a Blue Tooth device is inserted into my clarinet is the day I may close my case for good.
(Our next post will be from a young player showing me how that's already been done and how 5 years from now, non-blue tooth clarinets will be obsolete. This board may some day debate the likes of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Sun, and Apple clarinets.)
"Hey, did you guys download the latest Apple reed software patch? It's amazing!"
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Author: Lelia Loban ★2017
Date: 2014-03-03 22:42
Golly, think of it -- match your nail color to the color of the clarinet. Or the other way round.
The best place to buy a wand is in Diagon Alley. Swish and flick -- the cheap plastic clarinet looks like vintage grenadilla.
To hear the audio, click on the "Scorch Plug-In" box above the score.
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Author: MSK
Date: 2014-03-03 18:21
I vote for the turquoise colored one because it is closest to my favorite color. According to the "experts" at ladies' fashion magazines, when you feel good about how you look you are more confident and therefore more successful. Hence, I should play better. On the other hand, black is slimming, which should also make me look good and play well. We all know that appearances are so important for the highly visible clarinet section sandwiched between the flutes, trumpets and second violins.
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Author: fskelley
Date: 2014-03-03 18:29
"The upper joint immediately fogs up when playing"
How about an application of RainX? (probably a carcinogen)
I once bought a Sears riding mower with a clear plastic tube carrying the clippings to the rear collection bins. I was expecting (though it was not promised) that I would be able to see that clippings were freely moving and mower was not clogged. But I discovered soon that 1) clippings moved so fast they were invisible, and 2) the tube quickly discolored and became opaque anyway. So I still couldn't easily confirm clog or no clog. Such is how it goes.
Stan in Orlando
EWI 4000S with modifications
Post Edited (2014-03-03 23:32)
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2015-02-14 09:13
Actually, $549.99 is a pretty good price. They go for around $1,000 on eBay, and one just went up on the Klarinet board at an asking price of $6,000.
endeavorselmer - there's no address for you under your ID. What's your asking price? (My email address is behind my name.)
Ken Shaw
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Author: modernicus
Date: 2015-02-18 04:58
Didn't Kohlert make some clear clarinets too? Or have I lost my mind?
Edit: Confirmed. Supposedly even in A.
Post Edited (2015-02-18 05:28)
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Author: Jamnik
Date: 2015-02-19 11:39
The thing about these is relatively simple. The ear usually prefers sharp to flat, so the purple (violet) horn would suite this best. If you are playing a ragtime piece and want a "wet tuned" sound, get one violet and one red. The red will be a tad flat and give a nice and strong volume by being a few cents flatter than the sharper violet horn. If that sound is too "wet" get a green and orange set as they will be closer in tune to each other and lessen the harmonics.
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