The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Elifix
Date: 2015-01-12 18:32
For those who are using Vitto N1+2, have anyone tried and is successful with using Blackmasters /Wien reeds with it?
I was told to use Whitemasters /Traditional German cuts for it but recently pop some Blackmasters Traditional on it which works great for sound and intonation but leaves more to desire on response (I suppose cos it's either too big for the MP or the a dimension mis-match).
Any brands to recommend? The ones that work for me is AW 145 and of course Whitemasters. Thou I prefer the former as the are a bit wider in width.
It seems wider reeds fills up more space on the table and the sound gets a lot fuller too.
*ps: I am using it on a Buffet clarinet
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Author: Jeroen
Date: 2015-01-14 12:40
The N1+2 takes Blackmasters as well. However, the sound became too dark/dull for me. I prefer the Whitemasters but may be on a Buffet Blackmasters can work.
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Author: kenb
Date: 2015-01-15 02:59
I recently ordered a box of reeds from Jura Reeds in the Netherlands.
The reeds were made specifically for the N1+2 and each reed was numbered according to its strength (very fine gradations), the idea being that you select the strength that suits best and that becomes the benchmark for future orders.
Each reed played very well; I haven't played better reeds in more 10 years with the Viotto N1+2 (on Wurlitzer RB).
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Author: rtaylor
Date: 2015-01-23 19:30
I am intrigued about your experience with the Jura reeds. Can you give a little more detail about the reeds you got from them?
Was the cane a good quality?
Do they play fairly consistent from day to day so far?
How long did your order take to receive them?
(I play Wurlitzer RB instruments also)
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Author: kenb
Date: 2015-01-23 22:44
The 12 reeds for N1+2 that I received from Jura all played well.
I've rotated the four that worked best over the past 6 weeks, though not playing every day. They're very consistent; I don't think Jura would apply such precise manufacture to inferior cane.
I received the reeds a month or so after placing an order.
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Author: rtaylor
Date: 2015-01-24 00:46
Thanks for the follow-up Ken.
I'll send the folks at Jura an e-mail.
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