The Clarinet BBoard
Author: SJRClarinetCat
Date: 2014-09-17 02:17
Hi all,
Just a heads up that I have started a ligature blog on my new website entitled #LigatureNation. I know that ligatures are a hotly contested piece of equipment on this board, so I wanted to have a little fun and really dive into what these things are all about. Let me know what you all think, or if you have a request for a review!
Post Edited (2014-09-17 02:17)
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Author: D Dow
Date: 2014-09-17 05:01
a product endorsement for sure...where are the other ligs..I use a Vandoren M.O ligature which is truly excellent. More like the old Selmer single screw which is a fine design trouble with volume and reed friendly. NOT sure my wind people have not caught up on this one.
David Dow
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Author: SJRClarinetCat
Date: 2014-09-17 05:21
A new review will be coming out weekly. It's not meant to be a product endorsement, just information for people. There are certainly ones that I would recommend over others, but these are meant to be unbiased reviews as I have no association whatsoever with any of the ligature making companies. The Silverstein was my first one simply because I just had it on trial and I wanted to do a review while it was still fresh.
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Author: rtaylor
Date: 2014-09-17 18:35
Nice write-up Sam. I had similar experiences with the SilverStein ligature initially. I did decide to keep mine. The longer I use it the more I appreciate it.
If I switch back to my old Rovners they do not respond as well.
And yes switching clarinets, especially quick changes, during performances is a challenge. I wound up transposing a couple of sections because I was just a little unsure whether I would need to do a quick adjustment before being ready to play.
(Also I'm not an endorser either of any products)
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Author: rtmyth
Date: 2014-09-17 19:37
I endorse Velcro, made by you. See my old instructions on how to do it, of a few years ago on the CBB.
richard smith
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