The Clarinet BBoard
Author: johnhcl
Date: 2014-06-20 21:40
Hi all,
I'm looking for clarinet studies and exercises by David Weber. Where can I find weber's exercises? I can't seem to find them. Thanks!
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Author: sclarinet
Date: 2014-06-21 00:21
You should talk to his former students.
They will have copies and, most importantly, know
How to play them and what to listen for.
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Author: johnhcl
Date: 2014-06-23 03:14
I don't know any of his former students so anything else would be really helpful
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Author: JAS
Date: 2014-06-23 18:51
If you're a member of the ICA, (International Clarinet Association), there were discussions of David Weber's teaching in recent issues of the Clarinet Journal which are archived electronically on their website. (June and December 2013)
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Author: johnhcl
Date: 2014-06-24 03:22
Well if they're copyrighted where can I buy them? Can someone actually be helpful on this website and tell me how I can get the exercises?
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Author: Ed
Date: 2014-06-24 06:06
To say that they are copyrighted does not say that they are published.
You can buy the Labanchi etudes that Weber edited with Robert DiLutis.
Weber used a chromatic exercise which can be found on p60 here
There is some other info present there. Weber used a few warm ups of his own, but it is not as if he had a ton of significant material. Most of the his lesson material was standard etudes and repertoire.
If you are seeking other info you might consider contacting Robert DiLutis or D. Ray McClellan.
Post Edited (2014-06-24 16:04)
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Author: J. J.
Date: 2014-06-24 15:35
Yes, but on the other hand, if people would just cooperate John could have somebody give him what he wants as demanded.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2014-06-24 16:25
Good point. While I have first hand knowledge of Weber's teaching, all of the info I found was through a quick web search. I am sure that there is likely more to be found with some diligence.
Funny where we have gone with technology. Many here certainly recall the days when we would spend countless hours searching for recordings, music, equipment. It would often require plenty of patience. I remember waiting for years in some cases to find copies of some of those elusive orchestral parts that were only available by rental. Often it was a case of being excited to find a 4th generation bad photocopy.
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Author: xarkon
Date: 2014-06-28 17:56
Some of them are in the Vandoren Etude and Exercise book for clarinet. It's available from many sources, including Amazon.
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