The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2014-04-17 22:35
Well of course there is more frustration.......that's what I do.
Apparently what holds most metal ligatures on to most mouthpieces is the fact that the ligature grips the reed, and the reed grips the table of the mouthpiece (through frictional forces). This is proven quite nicely by the fact that Legere reeds are just as "slippery" as metal or hard rubber. So if the little label falls off the Legere I would submit that most metal ligatures will just slide up.
I know there is the notion of placing tape or a mouthpiece patch somewhere along the mouthpiece (top mainly?), but I'd rather approach the issue through making the ligature more "grippy." I will score the interiors of some of my metal ligatures (lateral scratches) to give them more traction along the surface of the Legeres and the mouthpieces.
Other than that, the leather or faux leather ligatures (with or without metal inserts) seem to work without any modifications at all.
Other than this, I still am working on adapting to the Legere products to arrive at a place where I am completely comfortable with the sound, the response, AND the feel of them in ALL situations.
Legere's do have a one time replacement policy (send them back to Canada with a $3.00 handling fee and your receipt) that will allow me to tweak this process a little better.
..................Paul Aviles (a work in progress)
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Author: pplateau
Date: 2014-04-18 03:43
Rovner Mark III ligature works for me with Legere Signature reeds. VD Optimum won't .
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Author: MSK
Date: 2014-04-18 04:35
I've used Rovner Mark III, as well as light and dark. I like the Mark III best, but for unrelated reasons. I have to tighten any ligature onto Legere more than with cane, but it is really only a problem while setting the reed. It just seems to slide everywhere while tightening the screw.
The system that I finally worked out is: 1. Place the reed in an approximate spot. 2. Hold the reed VERY securely with left thumb and forefinger along the sides of the table to prevent it moving sideways 3. Nudge it up or down with other hand 4. Once in the right spot, screw down tightly with my right hand
I never use Legere for quick transitions of the mouthpiece between A & Bb as it always seems to dislodge during the switch. Then it is back to cane or else two mouthpieces. On those days I pick two mouthpieces as the solution, Legere is great for the less used reed that is sitting there drying out
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2014-04-18 17:51
I "scored" the interior of my MO ligature (for use on the CL4 for now) with 320 grit carbon paper and it works great! No slipping up, and while "cranked down" there is NO problem removing or replacing the mouthpiece.
Also, the thinner, more delicate design of this ligature seems to allow a bit more resonance. Anyway, whatever it is, I am happiest with this sound on the Legere for now but I am working on getting a 1/4 strength lower on the "Quebec Cut" to see what happens.
So far I still have too many reservations to be completely happy with this medium.
............Paul Aviles
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2014-04-18 19:29
I've successfully used both a Bonade inverted and a Vandoren Optimum with my Legeres...For some reason slippage hasn't ever been an issue for me. I've been playing Legeres for at least 15 years now.
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Author: ThatPerfectReed
Date: 2014-04-18 21:17
"I never use Legere for quick transitions of the mouthpiece between A & Bb as it always seems to dislodge during the switch. Then it is back to cane or else two mouthpieces. On those days I pick two mouthpieces as the solution, Legere is great for the less used reed that is sitting there drying out"
When you go the 2 mouthpiece route do you then also use Legere's under the premise that as no wetting of the reed is required, concern over it drying out, sitting the clarinet peg waiting to be needed is a non-issue?
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Author: MSK
Date: 2014-04-19 03:15
The no-wetting benefit is indeed my rationale. I actually do it more for playing in church because of the logistical difficulties in wetting and warming up. I really don't like doing it for orchestra because of the tuning issues with playing on a cold mouthpiece, but have done so when the switch time was too short.
By the way, I haven't completely made the switch to Legere. I'm still back and forth with cane.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2014-04-19 05:40
Ok, here comes an odd question.
I noticed as I played for some time today that moisture does seem to settle under the entire Legere. At this point, the reed also seems to play better. Has anyone else noticed this (my guess being a better 'seal' through the water filling in the spaces)? Do any of you start with placing a damp Legere onto the table?
..........Paul Aviles
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Author: Funfly
Date: 2014-04-19 13:08
This might sound odd but if I am lazy and don't remove the reed between practice sessions (maybe up to a couple of hours) then I find an improvement in the playing.
The point about a water seal is interesting and I will try wetting it before putting it on to see if this has the same effect.
One thing about the Legere Signature reed is that you can see the water underneath, indeed I have heard people say that the reed makes them play wetter but I think this is just because they can see the wetness.
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Author: Funfly
Date: 2014-04-19 13:10
Slightly off topic but I was reading on a sax discussion thread where a well meaning father had super glued the reed on his son's sax!
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2014-04-19 15:29
We just had a super glue reference on this board as well. Neither super glue nor the nail polish remover used to get it off are good for hard rubber.....don't do it.
.............Paul Aviles
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Author: MSK
Date: 2014-04-20 04:31
Paul: I actually do wet my Legere reed, but not intentionally. I developed the habit years ago of putting my cane reed in my mouth to wet it while I assembled the clarinet and closed up the case. Partly to wet the reed, and partly to put the reed in a safe place while getting the case out of the way. It is such an ingrained habit that I usually do it with the Legere as well.
It sometimes seems that the prewetted reed plays better, but it may just be the situation. My dry Legeres are usually on a clarinet that has been on a stand (such as in church) in the absence of proper warm-up. It's worth some closer scrutiny
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Author: fskelley
Date: 2014-04-20 06:00
Legere reeds are very sensitive to temperature. I would not be surprised for you to notice the difference of a few degrees warmer from being in your mouth (unless it's 100F where you're playing, then a dry reed is the least of your problems). Anyway, the effect would be very short since it would warm up (or cool off) quickly once you started playing.
Stan in Orlando
EWI 4000S with modifications
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2014-04-28 08:56
These pads may be a good addition to the Legere experiment.
Honestly I am REALLY glad the ligature thread has popped back up. I have found that the BG Super Revelation is a VERY good pairing with the Legere Quebec Cut reed. This ligature allows for a punchy articulation making the reed less "logy."
Even really clamped down though the reed (without the above mentioned reed saver pads) can still be nudged side to side.
Another noteworthy characteristic of the Legeres is that they do NOT exhibit different timbres with different ligatures. Nor do they seem to vibrate much more with the ligature left relatively loose (opposed to really clamped down). So I find that Legeres sound like Legeres and it is only the response of the reed that is affected by the different architectures of the ligatures.
............Paul Aviles
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Author: alexispianokeys
Date: 2015-03-12 18:28
so!here is my experience.
i;m using playas B2 with Playnick's legere reeds. I think they are thiner than signatures.i found Bg L3 and Rovner Versa X and silverstein's medium to work properly. preferring Bg.
Bg's revelation and m/o vandoren need help.
HOWEVER everyone listens to my sound with those different ligatures claims that THEY ARE DOING NO DIFFERENCE to it.
It is clear that they change your "feel" about the reed and mouthpiece but only on this part.
buffet rc prestige green line
Post Edited (2015-03-13 16:24)
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Author: TomS
Date: 2015-03-12 23:06
I used a Dremel tool with a sand paper type cylinder to totally the rough up the inside surface of my metal ligatures. At one time, I had access to a small sand blaster, which would work better ...
See link for Dremel, if you don't know what I am talking about:
The Rovner ligatures seem to work fine and don't slip, as does the Luyben, without modifications.
Discovered how well the old standby 5RV-lyre works with Classic cut Legere reeds.
Lately I'm find the Signature cut to run a lot harder than advertised, in respect to the Classic cut, and also I have a hard time finding a friendly MP to the Signature ... really fussy ...
Try the 5RV-lyre (non 13 series) with a Luyben ligature and #3 Classic Legere and see if that don't "butter your bread" ... I think it's a really good, trouble free, combo for students.
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Author: JamesOrlandoGarcia
Date: 2015-03-14 01:13
Hi Paul,
Still playing on the CSG's? I'm still happily playing my CSGII's. In order to make my recent full time switch to legeres, I switched to the Rico Reserve mouthpieces. Currently the x10 with 3.5 reeds. I find that the reeds slip much less on the rico tables than the vandorens. I stopped using the MO because it made the reed slip too much. I'm currently using the Ishimori and the with the combination, all frustration with reed slippage is gone.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2015-03-14 06:01
The Yamahas are my personal horns, but I have some really nice loaners at present so I keep the wear and tear down on the CSGs.
I have discontinued any experiments with the Legere for the last seven months or so........too many good cane reeds and not enough sound variation out of plastic for me I am afraid.
And in the final irony, when my original (black M/O) broke, it forced me to realize that it was my favorite ligature of ANY and I went and purchased two gold M/Os (one specific to the Masters and the other one less so). Of course I still advocate scoring the interior of this's a must even with cane!
..............Paul Aviles
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