The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jane Bass Clarinet
Date: 2014-03-22 01:00
Hi there,
I am the proud owner of a prototype Hanson Bass Clarinet, and the case it came with is getting a bit tatty inside, so I'm thinking of investing in a new one. I'm interested in the Bam Trekking Bass Clarinet case - the low C variety. I'm just a little worried that my instrument won't fit - so before I shell out my hard earned, I wondered if there was some kind person, who has one, who could possibly measure the size of the cavity for the top joint? The Bam website states that it's designed to take a top instrument part of 39.5cm long - but mine measures 40cm (excluding the projecting keys). All the other measurements are within the Bam specs. I've tried contacting Bam, but had no response so far, so I thought I'd try here.
Thanks for any help you can give me!
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Author: john4256
Date: 2014-03-21 21:31
Hi Jane, I bought the BAM case through John Packer. It is excellent.I have John Packer Bass to low C and it fits a treat. The Bass Clarinet has to part in the middle because the case doesn't take one piece instruments - if you see what I mean.
Mind you it took nearly a month to arrive. They are made in Thailand and finished off in France!
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Author: john4256
Date: 2014-03-22 01:37
Sorry Jane I didn't read your message properly. The length of my top joint is 40 cms from the edge of the top tenon to the bottom of the bottom tenon and it fits just fine - no problem at all.
I see you are in the UK. If you are near the south coast you could try mine.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2014-03-22 10:30
Consider that even if the lengths match, some keys and posts could prevent a joint from fitting inside the cutout.
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Author: gwie
Date: 2014-03-22 19:03
The BAM cases have very squishy, "general" cutouts. You can squash the foam a bit to make things fit.
I have Yamaha CSG clarinets with an extra long upper joint (10mm at least) and have no problem fitting them in BAM cases.
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Author: genekeyes ★2017
Date: 2014-03-23 06:28
Try reaching BAM at their NJ number. 201 342-7700
Sorry..I didn't realize you were overseas.
Post Edited (2014-03-23 06:30)
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Author: Jane Bass Clarinet
Date: 2014-03-23 15:41
Brilliant! Thanks all - that's the info I need to be confident in my purchase - if the case is filled with squishy foam I guess there's a bit of room for manoeuvre, and thanks John for the measurements. I shall go ahead and buy one!
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