The Clarinet BBoard
Author: joe423
Date: 2014-03-20 18:35
Does anyone know of any fingerings between High G and A? I cannot find any!
1975 Buffet R13 Bb Clarinet
1968 Buffet R13 A Clarinet
Pyne Clarion Mouthpiece
Vandoren V12 3.5 Reeds
Vandoren Optimum Ligature
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Author: am0032
Date: 2014-03-20 14:41
It's just like high (overblown)c# to high E. Just leave the right pinky down for both notes.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2014-03-20 14:42
If you mean G6 to A6 :
Finger G6 with the left middle and ring fingers plus the right index and middle fingers and trill with the right hand fingers.
Ken Shaw
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Author: GBK
Date: 2014-03-20 16:04
Ken's suggestion is the standard, but if the passage permits, I also like:
Play the TR oxx/xxx (F/C)
Trill to by fingering TR oxx/ooo (F/C)
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Author: joe423
Date: 2014-03-21 18:13
These are the ones that have been mentioned/ I have found...
1. Finger high G like a C# above the staff and overblow. Trill the RH fingers 1&2.
2. Finger high G: RT, LH 1-3 and RH 1&2 with little finger on Eb. Trill RH fingers 1&2.
3. Finger G: RT LH 1 & RH 1,2 and little finger on Eb key. Trill the whole LH (R T 1)
1975 Buffet R13 Bb Clarinet
1968 Buffet R13 A Clarinet
Pyne Clarion Mouthpiece
Vandoren V12 3.5 Reeds
Vandoren Optimum Ligature
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