The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Tyler
Date: 2001-04-04 00:20
Last year I bought a Conn Clarinet at a flea market. The man told me that it was his grandfather's and it had been hanging on his wall for about 10 years. He told me that it was made of Mohagany Wood. When I got it back home i took it to the nearest music store and they did an overhaul on it. I got it back and got it home and started playing it and found out it was in the key of "A". I looked it over and found all the original engravings were in perfect condition. The serial # on it is
125717. It plays in perfect condition with all the keys and everything working. Any info you can give me is greatly appreciated or maybe an estimated worth. There are no cracks or scratches, and all the keys i believe are silverplated, and the wood has a black finish.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2001-04-04 19:29
I have an old Conn C Clarinet, ser.# C108210L [L for low pitch] which I date to the 1920's. Its plastic [hard rubber?] [what is yours?] and with a shortened mouthpiece plays well in tune when I need it for playing oboe parts. Conn made very good insts. for the time period, so your A [I presume its a Boehm, not an Albert?] should be quite good and possibly a bit flat [435 instead of today's 440+]. Congratulations, Don
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