The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Garth Libre
Date: 2014-01-16 22:52
I just won a 60's, 70's era Buffet single pochette. It hasn't arrived yet. I'll probably need to replace the interior velvet, but the ribbon that says "Sweetest clarinet sound" is perfect as is the exterior. The only real problem is that the rope handles are gone. I'm planning on using modern synthetic rope in the same size that I will melt at the edges so that it will hold the nails securely that retain them into the case. I can't quite figure out how to cover the white synthetic rope with vinyl or black leather. If I sew tubes that will fit around the ropes tightly, how will I manage to pull the ropes through to complete the look? Has someone attempted this repair previously?
Garth, 305-981-4705.
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Author: Caroline Smale
Date: 2014-01-17 04:12
Ferees (and probably others) supply a range of replacement case handles, have you checked their stock?
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Author: BartHx
Date: 2014-01-17 04:18
I was unable to find a source awhile back. I ended up using black electrical cable.
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Author: Garth Libre
Date: 2014-01-17 00:00
Did you braid the black electrical cable. To get the look right, I imagine you would need 5 or 6 14 gauge stranded cables woven together or many more 22 gauge cables braided.
Garth, 305-981-4705.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2014-01-17 05:16
Attachment: DSCN1280.JPG (395k)
Attachment: DSCN1281.JPG (404k)
Attachment: DSCN1282.JPG (410k)
Attachment: DSCN1283.JPG (412k)
I've repaired several old pochette cases using handles taken from suitable ladies handbags. These were sourced from a local op shop/goodwill store for pocket change. I filled the tubes with plastic tubing from my local hardware store. The attached pics are of a Selmer case from early 20th C containing a Louis clarinet of the same era.
Tony F.
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Author: Garth Libre
Date: 2014-01-17 05:32
Those lady's handbag handles look very original and will work nicely on my case when it comes. The Buffet pochette is very special to me. I was 12 years old in 1966 and my brother happened to have a spare pochette from one of his clarinets. (He transported his Buffet in a sax case that fit both). I hadn't yet started clarinet as he only began to teach me when I was 13. He loaned me the case so I could store my HO Aurora cars to race them at meets at other peoples home tracks. When I was 14, I got my own clarinet with a case, but I still remember the specialness of his old Buffet pochette. He's no longer alive but those are the kind of memories I hold on to. I want the case to look like it's 1966 again.
Garth, 305-981-4705.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2014-01-17 12:37
I forgot to mention this. Fill the ends of the plastic tube with some hot-melt glue. When it sets it provides a good solid plug for the brads that hold the handles in place.
Tony F.
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Author: bmcgar ★2017
Date: 2014-01-17 16:38
Why do a kludge?
Take Norman's advice, and get a replacement that just "buckles" on to the rings on the case. Amazon has a bunch (search for Grover CP66 Leather Emergency Case Handle), many online hardware suppliers should, and your local shoe repairer likely does also.
You shouldn't have a hard time finding one that looks like the OEM's.
Post Edited (2014-01-17 21:40)
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Author: Bill G
Date: 2014-01-18 08:18
I have a full-Boehm Selmer in a pochette case, which lost its handles. After considering the options mentioned above, on advice from a shoe repairman I went to a purse maker, who installed new handles made from leather pulley belting of the proper diameter. In my opinion this was a perfect solution.
Bill G
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2014-01-18 09:14
The Grover handle mentioned requires that the case has attachment rings, but the pochette case under discussion does not. As the object was to restore the case to its original appearance, installing such rings was not appropriate. An excellent fix for any modern style case, and I shall obtain a supply of them, so thanks for the suggestion.
For restoring the pochette case, Bill G's suggestion sounds like the ideal, but probably more expensive than my way.
Tony F.
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Author: Garth Libre
Date: 2014-01-22 13:05
That supply house only offers leather straps in 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch. The holes in the vintage Buffet case will only take 3/8". I want to keep the stock size if at all possible. I'm currently looking for the exact color velour and I'm even reusing the original nails. Since the case is perfect except for the handles and the velour, I want to keep it as original as possible. I'm currently looking for leather handles from older pocketbooks in thrift stores. If that doesn't work out, I'll be using new leather sewn around a plastic tubing base filled with glue as another list member suggested.
By the way, this particular model Buffet pochette has royal blue velour. The ribbon saying "Buffet, the sweetest clarinet in the world" is blue not off white as later models have it. The edges are slightly faded at the very edge but I think I'll be rubbing a touch of blue ink into the edge to bring it up to near new.
Garth, 305-981-4705.
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Author: BobD
Date: 2014-01-22 19:33
I had a similar nostalgia for the Buffet Pochette case and restored one but soon realized that the newer ones of nylon with zippers were much more practical....and provided more safety for the horn. Suggestion: Restore it , put it on a shelf and admire it.
Bob Draznik
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Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2014-01-22 16:53
Home Depot for the rope and maybe the right size nail. Then go to Radio Shack and get "shrink tubing". Size and cut the rope, put shrink tubing over it, Heat with stove or something. You then have a nice "rubberized" Black handle
Tom Puwalski
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