The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-04 19:40
I received 2 boxes of GD reeds from Pablo Gonzales, thanks to his offer of free reeds a couple of months ago. He sent a box of 2 3/4 which is the strength of reed I use with the FOF's. And he sent a box of 3's. For some reason, I started with the 3's. I found them too stiff to play without a tremendous amount of effort. However, I did find them very consistent from reed to reed. I gave away the rest of the box to clarinet playing friends who normally use 3's or higher. The feedback I got from them varied greatly. One person who likes to just stick a reed on his mpc and start playing without a breaking in period hates them. He just can't get them to play. Another two people who use a break in period love them. They like the subdued tone they get out of them and find them very easy to play. After a lot of frustration with the 3's I opened the box of 2 2/3's. I had an entirely different experience. I immediately liked the darker, richer tone than what I get with the FOF's. They were very consistent from reed to reed. A couple required some work, but they've become great playing reeds. One thing I noticed from time to time and that one of my teachers noticed right off the bat and consistently, was a buzzing sound. People who listened to each of us play also detected the buzzing. For some reason, that has disappeared and I'm no longer having that issue. I'm truly enjoying playing on them. I took about a week to break each one of them in (following a combination of Ed Palanker's and Mark Nuccio's techniques) and my bottom line is, I like them. That can't be said of half (2) of the folks I had try them out...they flat out didn't like them. Of those 2, one doesn't break them in and the other does...I would assume that could have a significant influence on the reed's playability. The other didn't like the buzzing and "stuffy" sound. She called it "stuffy" while I've referred to it as subdued/darker...she's the teacher and I'm the student, so draw your own conclusions. Part of accepting Pablo's gracious offer of free reeds was agreeing to post my feedback. Here it is...for what it's worth.
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2014-01-04 19:51
I LIKE Gonzales reeds. They are made from the very best cane, they are consistent (as consistent as a natural product can be, anyway), and I like their rather primitive shape - as though they were made by hand. The un-milled part of Gonzales reeds is nice and thick, which I also like. You can tighten up the ligature without distorting the reed.
So, Roxann, you've convinced ME! ![[up]](
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Author: Tobin
Date: 2014-01-05 03:47
Are we talking about the "GC cut" or the "Classic Hand Select"?
Thank you!
Gnothi Seauton
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-05 04:27
James, neither of those. The Gonzales GD's and the Gonzales FOF's are the two reeds I mentioned. The GD's are not yet readily available on the USA market (or weren't when I purchased some about 5 months ago). I think part of the purpose of Pablo giving some away was to get user feedback so changes can be made in the reed before they're widely distributed (only my guess). However, I have been able to buy GD reeds here in the USA (maybe from Weiner Music? I don't remember exactly). The FOF's have been marketed here in the USA for quite a while. The GD's DO say, "hand selected reeds" on the box. Hope that helps.
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Author: AAAClarinet
Date: 2014-01-05 05:27
I received the classic GC and the GD. I like both very much. They just feel great for my way of playing. Very consistent in strength and tone. I was using Rico reserve classics, now Gonzales will be my reed of choice. Just not sure which style I prefer.
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Author: AAAClarinet
Date: 2014-01-05 05:44
The GD is a thicker cut. As for comparing them directly by playability would be hard because I received all different strengths. The GD must run a bit softer because I was sent a higher strength GD. Tone wise, I find the GC to be a little brighter. Not at all too bright. They both sound great on my new Greg Smith Kaspar ( review to come soon )
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Author: Tobin
Date: 2014-01-05 05:56
Both are available in the shops from which I order online.
Gnothi Seauton
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Author: Andrez444
Date: 2014-01-05 23:49
I am also very grateful to have received two boxes of Gonzales GD reeds from Pablo, and was very impressed in how quickly the reeds arrived to my home in London UK and the follow up I had from him to ensure I had received the product. It was really excellent customer service.
Before giving a review of the reeds, a little about my set up.
I play on a pair of 1978 R13s and currently am using a Morgan mouthpiece RM 15 which is medium open.
I had received a box of strength 3 and also 3.5, and I started with the 3s.
I find that the strength of the reeds out of the box is very consistent, though due to my set up I needed to adjust the reeds to get them to play to the spec I like which was not a problem.
I am finding the reeds very stable and consistent both in sound production and pitch across the whole spectrum of the instrument with the tone being both dark and focused. (They are very clear sounding and provide just the right resistance for clean articulation). The reeds respond well to orchestral situations here they project very well, and in chamber music.
I have not used the reeds long enough to comment on the longevity of the reed, though I would definitely recomend them to both colleagues and students as a high end product and comparable to the top end reeds currently on the market.
Leslie Craven Principal Clarinetist for Welsh National Opera reviewed these reeds for The Clarinet and Saxaphone Society of Great Britain and compared them with other top end reeds and they compared very favourably indeed.
I cannot compare these reeds to the FOF as I have not used them.
I shall definitely continue with these reeds, and look forwards to hearing other opinions from players and teachers.
In the future it may be better to try the 2.75, and I may have go on these.
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2014-01-06 00:56
One question . . . . how did all you guys and gals get free reeds? How many did you receive?
Signed, 'Envious'
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-06 03:32
Pablo Gonzales posted something on BBoards saying he'd send free reeds to the first 10 people who contacted him. Right place at the right time:)
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Author: AAAClarinet
Date: 2014-01-06 05:26
I was blessed with 4 boxes. All whom I have shared with have been pleased. I ordered two more boxes today. I ordered more GD and going to try the regular cut. Through tomorrow ( Monday ) Weiner music is offering free shipping in the lower 48 states ( USA ) use promo code. NY2012
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Author: TAS
Date: 2014-01-08 23:28
I am a symphony musician and love Gonzalez reeds. I use the 3.5 FOF and the GD 3 1/2, more recently. Occasionally, I use a Vandoren V.12 3.5+
Frankly the FOF best of the best are better for me than the GD best of the best.
Anyone who has not tried and worked with Gonzalez reeds is missing something long as it is paired with an appropriate mouthpiece.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2014-01-08 23:41
Who sells the F.O.F. reeds? I don't find them at either Weiner Music or WW&BW. Both carry the GD model.
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Author: AAAClarinet
Date: 2014-01-09 04:53
The first Gonzalez reeds on the page at Weiner music is the F.O.F. Just click on it
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-09 05:43
WWBW carries them. Search for Gonzales reeds. The FOF's are the ones in the blue box.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2014-01-09 05:52
I see the blue boxes - I even have two boxes of those here, but mine are actually labeled "F.O.F." and "For Our Friends" in that simulated black ribbon down the side of the box. I guess you just can't read that in the pictures.
Thanks, AAA and Roxann.
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2014-01-10 07:23
Author: Roxann (96.18.100.---)
Date: 2014-01-06 03:33
Two boxes.
You really know how to hurt a guy!
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Author: GBK
Date: 2014-01-10 11:11
Bruno wrote:
> Two boxes.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> You really know how to hurt a guy!
> Bruno.
Pablo sent me 6 boxes so I could try them and also give them to colleagues and students.
The Gonzalez family has always been generous to me, sending me many freebies over the years and I appreciate their striving to meet the needs of clarinetists with quality products.
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-10 20:14
I "spread the wealth" as well because I wanted to give Pablo as much varied feedback as possible and I wanted to have players who are more experienced than I am give ME feedback to see how their feedback compared to mine...a little "reality check" for me. I just got feedback from a very good player who normally uses a #2 reed...the 2 3/4 was way too stiff for him and he didn't enjoy playing it. It makes me wonder what kind of a mpc he's using to be able to sound so good with a #2 reed. I've been using Ed Palanker's suggestions on breaking in and adjusting the reeds and have found his information to be extremely helpful. I'm able to make adjustments to my reeds now that I didn't know how to do before and I'm getting closer and closer to the perfect reed for me. The only reed I've had to throw away is the one I destroyed while trying to soften it by sanding the back. After I'd ruined it, I remembered that you're supposed to set the reed right-side-up on the sandpaper, put a finger at each end of the reed, and move the reed back and forth on the sandpaper...I was doing it in reverse. We live and learn!
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Author: kdk
Date: 2014-01-10 16:47
Roxann wrote:
> After I'd ruined it, I remembered that
> you're supposed to set the reed right-side-up on the sandpaper,
> put a finger at each end of the reed, and move the reed back
> and forth on the sandpaper...I was doing it in reverse.
You mean you were moving the sandpaper over the back of a stationary reed?
I know players who sand the back surface - one who has substituted a rasp for the sandpaper (it takes surprisingly little wood off if you're not bearing down with your fingers). In my experience (I've read Ed's page but forget what he says about it) you have to avoid running the tip of the reed over the abrasive - stop each stroke at about a quarter of an inch or so short of the tip. Most commercial reed tips are already very thin and taking more out, unless there's a detectable hard spot somewhere, often makes them collapse.
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-10 22:14
Yes, I was moving the sandpaper over the back of the stationary reed while attempting to hold the reed in my hands...not a "smooth move!" Thanks for the information about the tip. I'll make sure it doesn't get anywhere near the sandpaper.
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Author: cigleris
Date: 2014-01-10 20:49
I have to say I received three boxes. A box of 3.5, 3.75 and 4. The 3.75 are the ones that work well for me. They are extremely consistent and in the time I've used them I played one for several concerts including a session at Abbey Road and it has only just "died". I've now moved onto my 2nd reed and finding the same great results. They are warm and full bodied. Very similar to the PLs I was using before.
Highly recommended and they may well become my reed of choice.
Peter Cigleris
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Author: BflatNH
Date: 2014-01-10 23:55
Definitely worth a try.
The samples seem to run about 1/4 stiffer than other reeds similarly marked (my other reeds are Gonzalez FOF, Xilema, Rue 56 and V12) but this opinion may change as I play on them. I'm trying to extend my useful (e.g. reliable, good tone) playing range to C7 and found that after playing a while, the other reeds' top ends begins to be unreliable, whereas the GD consistently let me go to C7 on jumps and arpeggios even after playing 1 - 2 hours. I get the sense that with the GD, my setup is 'reed dominant' where with the other reeds, the reed characteristics are a smaller part of the total set up (but I haven't varied any other part of the set-up to verify this).
I did try a reed comparison on different A clarinets, an R13 and a newer Leblanc Symphony 3. The GDs seemed to give me a more uniform (and better) tone over the entire range of both, but it seemed to 'tame' Leblanc more noticably whose variablity in tone over its range was [with other reeds] more noticable. The GD reed may have you re-evaluate which instrument you play.
I think the GD demands more but delivers more.
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Author: pablogonzalez480
Date: 2014-01-11 18:33
Thanks to each and every one of those who have participated in this test, as will be able to see our factory is a family business where the owners are committed to 100%, feel free to contact us for any inquiry, all comments and inquiries are welcome to our factory and can direct them to my personal e-mail:
Greetings to all
Juan Pablo González
Argendonax S.A. President
Mendoza - Argentina
I am the Argendonax S.A. \"Gonzalez reeds\" President my telephone number is: +54 261 4454864
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2014-01-11 22:25
I wonder if the manufacturer, Juan Pablo Gonzales, (above) intended the "testers' to modify the reeds. Wouldn't a better test be to play the reeds unmodified?
Sure, I know we all scrape our reeds but if we are trying to determine Mr. Gonzales's success in reed design and production, wouldn't an OOTBox reed give us more information?
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Author: kdk
Date: 2014-01-11 23:07
Mouthpieces aren't standardized enough and players' expectations aren't predictable enough to make a truly perfect-out-of-the-box reed a reasonable goal. You do want reeds that are made from cane that's vibrant and profiled in a way that will be within a small amount of adjustment for a large number of players. Most of us wish for a reed that doesn't need a lot of reshaping, because every time you take a little wood out of the profile, you risk making a mistake. So you want to have take as few opportunities for mistakes as possible.
That said, if a player is doing a lot of scraping and is reshaping the profile in significant ways in order to get a reed to play comfortably, he's probably starting with the wrong reed. That's the best reason for the existence of so many brands and models within brands. Each is designed with different parameters and a player who experiments enough should be able to find one that comes close to what he needs.
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Author: cigleris
Date: 2014-01-11 23:14
I have not modified the tips or profiles of any of the reeds in any way other than lightly sanding the back of the current one that was not sealing fully on the mouthpiece. I can honestly say for my setup I don't need to. For the PLs and Rue Lepic I had to. Even going as far as clipping the tip to make them that little but stronger.
Peter Cigleris
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-12 01:52
Bruno, I found that right-out-of-the-box, they're too stiff for me to enjoy playing. Most of the modifying I've done is to soften them. Next time I'll order a 2.5 instead of the 2.75's. I use a 2.75 in the FOF's without problem, but would be happier (I think) with 2.5's in the GD. My guess is, I'll need to do next to nothing to them...if anything.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2014-01-12 02:47
From Peter Leuthner's website:
" but also all those who appreciate brilliant sound"
Gad! Is he saying his reeds sound "bright?"
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Author: Andrez444
Date: 2014-01-12 11:21
I think Karl is absolutely right here.
The key is to find what works for your set up as mouthpiece/reed combinations is not an exact science from a number of perspectives.
My experience with Gonzales GD Reeds is a very positive one, and the product is certainly high end.
I have adjusted the reeds in relation to overall strength though have found them overall very well balanced.
Also interested in the longevity of the reeds as this is also an important marker.
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Author: BflatNH
Date: 2014-01-13 04:06
My comments were based on reeds that had only occaisional light sanding, no attempt to 'adjust' them (I am experimenting on one now) .
But In Ridenour's turn (mouthpiece)-one-way-then-toot and then turn-the-other-way-and-toot balance test, I my samples seem to be consistently slightly unbalanced, yet play very well even at the upper end. And when I feel the reed thickness over the vamp to the tip, it seems a bit asymetrical and/or discontinuous in its cut. I haven't gotten out the micrometer to confirm this. If this is true, then 'finishing' techniques may need to change, otherwise doing so will turn the reed into an old style reed.
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Author: pablogonzalez480
Date: 2014-06-19 18:22
Just confirm our attendance at clarinet fest 2014 in baton Rouge, all those wishing to try our new models GD and CLASSIC, will be welcome. see you in Baton Rouge.
Also have a great discount for those who want to buy during the clarinet fest.
Juan Pablo González
Argendonax S.A. President
I am the Argendonax S.A. \"Gonzalez reeds\" President my telephone number is: +54 261 4454864
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2014-06-19 23:11
I see above, some surprise at comments that Gonzales reeds are bright.
I don't believe in taking others' word for things like this, so references to opinions elsewhere are meaningless. Try a box yourself is my motto. And doctor them as needed. There's never been a reed made that couldn't be improved with a little TLC.
But about Gonzales reeds, in particular FOF's, I happen to think that they are indeed bright, and also long-lasting and stable, and in general add a richness to my sound I don't get from other brands. I think it originates in the very hard and durable reed material they start with.
And no, I'm not angling for a free box from Mr. Gonzalez! I don't even know the man!
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Author: clarinetguy ★2017
Date: 2014-07-17 05:51
I recently tried GDs for the first time, and they're amazing. They're still somewhat new on the market, but I predict that GDs will become a favorite of serious players. Another nice fact is that Gonzalez uses no pesticides.
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