The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jubal
Date: 2013-11-21 14:31
I've read all about these from a few years ago, and I'm wondering if the opinion is still the same? Are people still playing/enjoying these? How do they hold up mechanically?
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Author: acermak
Date: 2013-11-21 15:03
I bought one in April of this year. I've been using it pretty regularly since. Its first problem was springs popping loose, a quick trip to my tech got the spring joints reangled. I've not had a problem with loose springs since. Then recently I took it in for an adjustment as the throat Bb wasn't quite right and my tech at that time said that a lot of stuff was out of adjustment, so he'd just watch it when it came back in to try to determine root cause of the misadjustment. Now it could have been when I was having to reattach springs, I got my screw driver out to try to solve the problem and probably put it out of adjustment myself.
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Author: Jubal
Date: 2013-11-22 19:49
Thanks. How's the tone? Are the mechanical problems you faced workable?
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Author: acermak
Date: 2013-11-23 06:48
Tone is pretty good and it's nicely in tune, not just with itself but with my contra alto. Yes, the mechanical problems were all fixable by my tech.
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