The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Aussie Nick
Date: 2001-03-28 10:45
Hi all. I just sold my R-13 A clarinet which wasn't a very pleasent instrument to play. It was a bit of a dudd... To replace it, I tested some more R13's, RC's, Festivals and Prestiges. I have a Festival Bb which I am happy with, so I liked the Festivals and RC's the best. I picked out the particular instruments of these models that I liked the best, and I got my teacher to test them for me. He picked out one of the RC's for me, saying "this one's a beauty." I liked this instrument too, so I got on with the selling/buying process. Now, for some reason the instrument makes this strange kind of ringing or vibrating sound when I play the middle (4th and 5th lines) D E and F. My teacher was a bit surprised by this. He said it wasn't like that when he tried it out. I asked him about whether I should take it to someone to be adjusted, and he seemed to think that it probably just needs breaking in and then it may go away. I was wondering what you all think?
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Author: Douglas
Date: 2001-03-28 12:43
There is something, probably metal, vibrating on the instrument in sympathetic vibration with the pitches you have listed. From my experience with similar vibrations, it could be a spring or perhaps a loose bottom ring on the bell. Have a friend or your teacher assist you by touching each of the right hand springs with a pencil eraser while you play the notes that set off the vibrations. Dampen the bell ring as another test. It is also possible, but less likely, that you have a loose pad skin which is buzzing.
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Author: William
Date: 2001-03-28 18:00
Doug is right on--loose rings and springs can be a real accoustical nusiance. Also check your screws, especially the ones that are on the lower joing and supporting the longer rods. And the damping skins on your left hand little finger keys to see if they are worn or enev missing. Try not to worry too much as this buzzes are sometimes hard to find, but are usually fixable. Good clarineting!!!!!!!!!
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2001-03-29 07:49
Douglas and William are on the right tracks. It can also be a "flat spring", say on the register key, just touching the pivot tube and fibrating against it. The other flat springs ar on the side keys and throat A.
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Author: Lionel Mrocki
Date: 2001-04-01 14:57
douglas and William are on the money with their tips. I'd also suggest checking for excessive gap between the long key shafts and the point-screw posts. Also the "pin and hole" arrangement on two of the LH bottom keys can also develop a noise. Some manufacturers use a thin gasket which can wear away. I've been told that a trimmed piece ofpad skin is the best for that one.
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2001-04-02 12:58
Sometimes the (left hand) F#/C# and E/B levers are juuuust touching eachother and vibrate, or side keys can do the same, or a side key against its guide. While you are doing your best to produce the vibration get somebody to touch many places on the mechanism. You will very likely locate the source.
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