The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Nate Zeien
Date: 2001-03-26 00:26
If you have a brand new E-11, why are you in such a rush for an R-13? The true test to whether an instrument is any good, is to find out for yourself, and play it. Chances are, if you cannot tell whether your E-11 plays well or not, you should wait before upgrading to a better horn. Still, as I said before, if you have any specific questions about the R-13, you may post them on the bulletin board, where we have many R-13 owners, including myself, who would be happy to answer your questions. I see that you seem to have your heart set on a new Buffet R-13. R-13s are certainly good instruments, but you should take a look at other brands as well. The users of the bulletin board can help recommend other good clarinets to try. -- Nate Zeien
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Date: 2001-03-26 13:44
my daughter who is in 8th grade just steeped up from an e-11 to a r-13 at her teachers request. she completed mozart's clarinet concerto mvt. one for uil and received a 1. the down side to getting rid of your e-11 is that you will be forced to buy a plastic horn for marching. she also got a clark fobes custom mpce that changed her sound completely. she is also trying out for the houston youth symphony. wait until your teacher thinks that you can improve no farther until you make a large investment in the horn and mpce.
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Author: Al
Date: 2001-03-26 23:24
If you can swing it, take the R-13 for under $1,600.00.
Never play it for parades and football games.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-04-02 01:01
What more can you ask for? It's not a bad student clarinet if carefully selected. I
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