The Clarinet BBoard
Author: deejay
Date: 2001-03-21 02:15
I have a question. My local music store has an older Buffet R13 it is old, because I can tell by the keys have alot of wear. They want 690 for it. Is 690 to much for it?
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Author: Dee
Date: 2001-03-21 02:38
1. Check the age by comparing the serial number to the list right here on sneezy (if it is older than the mid 1950s, then it is not an R-13). However an older pro horn (a none R-13 Buffet) could still be worth this price if in good condition.
2. Try it out and see how it plays for you. If you like it, it could be a reasonable candidate.
3. Check the mechanical condition. Good pads, good corks, good springs? Smooth key action? No "slop" in the mechanism? If little or no work is required, this could be a real bargain. I would not be concerned about cosmetic items like plating wear though.
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Author: Al
Date: 2001-03-21 17:12
I'm not pressing but want you to know that you can buy a brand new R-13 for less than $1,600.
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Author: Benny
Date: 2001-03-21 20:25
Where can you get a new R-13 for less than $1600? I just recently bought one with silver keys from IMS for about $2000.
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Author: Dee
Date: 2001-03-21 22:31
Are you sure your info is up to date? Prices have been creeping upward over the last several years. I haven't looked lately but last summer, the large mail order discounters were up to around $1800.
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Author: Bill
Date: 2001-03-21 22:44
The wwandbw price is currently $1,599.
I think it's a plus that the keys show a lot of wear. To me, it means, it was probably good enough to get a lot of playing time, and it adds character to compliment its "low" price.
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Author: Al
Date: 2001-03-21 23:16
You asked about Buffet R-13s. This dealer always has more. -- item 1418095704 (Ends Mar-22-01 17:59:44 PST) - NEW BUFFET R13 WOOD CLARINET!!!
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Author: Al
Date: 2001-03-21 23:19
Forgot to mention that I bought one for myself and two more for students within the last two months.
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Author: jbutler
Date: 2001-03-22 00:49
H&H Music in Houston is selling new R13's for $1850. F13's for $3149.
For comparison they are selling LeBlanc 1176's for $1446.99, Infinite's for $1302.99, Esprit's for $1209.99, Selmer G series for $1574, Selmer series II for$2010.99, Prologue II for $1148.99, Yamaha CX's for $1251.99 and SE's for $1501.99.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-03-22 01:16
jbutler wrote:
> H&H Music in Houston is selling new R13's for $1850.
> F13's for $3149.
John - that's got to be a misprint! the R13 Festival (labelled as F13 by music stores but not by Buffet) should be closer to 2149 ...
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-03-22 01:20
Be careful buying new Buffet clarinets from eBay. There is a distinct possibility that they're "gray-market" (sold by other than a Buffet dealer). If they are gray market the warrantee may not be valid.
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Author: deejay
Date: 2001-03-22 03:18
The only music store that really carries new instruments want 2,600 for a new R13.. I also asked about an Opus and there like 4,600.
Are they anymore Buffet model like the R13, but doesn't cost as much?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-03-22 04:55
deejay - for $2600 you could fly to Chicago form near anywhere in the world, stay a couple of days in Chicago & test new R13s from International Music (and visit the fine aquarium & museums), fly back home, and still have a few dollars left over. $1700-$1800 is a fair price for a new R13.
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Author: deejay
Date: 2001-03-22 19:33
okay.. I desided I might get a Buffet E-11. I have a Selmer Special and its getting to the point it needs repair and about 300 dollars worth, but anyways..
Should I go for an E-11????
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Author: Stuart A. Inselman
Date: 2001-03-23 02:35
I purchased a new R-13, nickel, beginning of Feb. 2001 from Frederic H. Weiner Inc., located in Mineola, Long Island N.Y. for $1585.00. They were having a special sale on new Buffets. They also mail order, 1-888-622-CORK. Don't mention my name I do not get a commission.
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Author: LIZZIE
Date: 2001-03-25 02:10
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-03-25 02:42
$4000 is about right for a pair of R13s - Bb and A. But ... $4000 for one? That's highway robbery and gives music stores a bad name.
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Author: Nate Zeien
Date: 2001-03-25 07:50
Mark is right, $4000 <i>is</i> way too much for an R-13. Perhaps they quoted you the retail price of one. -- Nate Zeien
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Author: carmine
Date: 2001-03-29 02:05
You may want to be careful there are 3 R13 models. Here are the models listed by woodwind and brasswind.
Buffet Vintage R-13 Bb Clarinet BF1131V20 (old wood most expensive)
Buffet R-13 Greenline Bb Clarinet BF1131GL (fake wood) least expensive
Buffet R-13 Bb Clarinet BFR13B (grenadila wood)
And two of these three come with either nickel plated or silver plated keys.
The greenline is least expensive and is in the ballpark of 1750 dollars I think
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