The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Irwin
Date: 2001-03-21 00:05
I ordered and just got a new Leblanc Concerto from The Woodwinds and Brasswinds. I'm 99% certain that the horn was previously demo'd and returned by someone else from the looks of it and the case. Also, some of the keys and rails are tarnished.
I realize that the mail order companies need to get rid of previously demo'd horns, and there's a side of me that says I'm wrong to be unhappy to be on the receiving end of a used horn since it is precisely that policy that let me try various horns two years ago when I finally settled on a R-13 from Wichita Band.
On the other hand, there's a side of me that says I'm entitled to a brand new horn for shelling out $2,200, and that the mail order company should only sell a returned horn as used goods (i.e., shouldn't that be the mail order's cost of doing business in a manner that facilitates a mail order business?). Also, if someone else returned the horn, is the likely reason because the particular horn was out of adjustment, etc. making it not up to playing standards of the first person (which means that the recipient of a demo'd horn is probably getting a defective horn)?
I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.
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Author: RonD
Date: 2001-03-21 00:39
For $ 2,200.00 I would think they should clean it up. Why dont you call them and express your disappointment? But if the retailer had to reduce the price of every horn that was "auditioned" they would not make a profit or worst yet they would not let anyone try b4 buying or charge for the privilege.
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Author: Stephen
Date: 2001-03-21 01:11
My advice would be to call them, and tell them that you think you got a used instrument (or something to that effect). They will no doubt let you send it back, and I see no reason why they would not send you another Concerto (free of charge). I purchased a clarinet from them, and I recieved the BEST customer service as well as a GREAT quality horn. Might it be possible they sent the wrong horn by mistake?
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2001-03-21 01:17
I've only ordered instruments from International Musical Suppliers, although I've gotten lots of other stuff from ww and bw. I've never gotten a bad instrument from IMS, nor one that was dirty or tarnished in any way. I would definitely call the ww and bw people and let them know. They're supposed to check out all instruments before mailing them out. You certainly have every right to expect a new looking clarinet for that much money.
On the return situation before you got the clarinet--just because someone returned it doesn't mean there was something wrong with it. It might not have had the "sound" they wanted--or the "feel" they liked. Or, they could have decided it was too much money to spend "buyer's remorse" or any number of reasons.
The thing to watch with "discount" music centers is exactly what happened with you.
Hope it all works out for the best. At least you know more about the Concerto.
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Author: angella
Date: 2001-03-21 03:16
I bought both of my clarinets from WW/BW, though I went in person, and it was well worth the long drive and overnight stay. That way, you can try some, pick one, try some more, pick and so one. You can go and come back after you've slept on it, try again and make your choice. If you really can't, I guess it's hard to know what you'll get. Like one girl said, just because someone else didn't buy it, doesn't mean it's not good. After all, a person can't buy EVERY horn they like! I hope it works out for you.
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2001-03-21 04:53
When I order a horn from WW/BW I usually order two (of the same) because I know that if I order just one the chances are that it's one that somebody sent back. Also, I have had a few horns sent to me from WW/BW that were in very poor adjustment. Supposedly they run any horns that are to be shipped out through their shop first. But I don't think they do much more than open the case to see if someone left a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in there.
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Author: Todd
Date: 2001-03-21 05:31
I purchased a LeBlanc Concerto from WW/BW. They were very nice and I got great service from them. I didn't like the first one they sent me so they sent out another one to try side-by-side. They also sent out a Yamaha for me to try. I was then told to send back the ones I didn't want. I would purchase from them again.
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Author: Jan
Date: 2001-03-21 15:53
I got my selmer signature from ww bb. the keys looked like they had previously been adjusted because they were different than the other 4 ss i was testing. but i ended up choosing that one because i liked the adjustment that had been made.
I tried 6 horns in all, 4 ss and 2 Buffets which means 5 were returned. not because they were defective but just because they werent what i was looking for.
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Author: Laura
Date: 2001-03-21 20:16
WW and BW doesn't always check their instruments as carefully as they should before shipping. But if you are not happy with your clar., call them and send it back, they will send you another instrument. They try to please. I don't know where you live, but if can get to WW and BS-Indiana, its worth the trip to be able to try out a bunch of different ones. About the only way I would buy a new instrument now. I know International Music Suppliers alawys have a bunch of clarinets. Theres WW and BW in New York also.
Good luck and don't settle if you are noy happy.
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Author: Ken
Date: 2001-03-22 01:59
I don't know about International or bb/ww but Muncy charges me for shipping when I try out new horns via mail. They'll send me up to 3 at a time and it runs $100 plus through Fed Ex. If thats the case with bw/ww, the horn(s) sent to you are blemished/unacceptable and must be returned for THAT reason alone, I'd be pretty upset and ask for free shipping in the next batch. The horn costs enough already and it's a waste of your time and money. Also, if you want one that hasn't been preped or played and still wrapped/cork-stopped...specify so, I'm sure they'll accomodate you if they want your business. Such is the trials of buying through the mail and not auditioning new horns in person.
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Author: Karen
Date: 2001-03-23 03:55
I have purchased instruments from WWBW for myself and students via mail order. Since you can order several to try, chances are good that your instrument was tested by someone else. However, they have a strict policy regarding the condition in which instruments must be returned. So--I am certain that they will be glad to either send you a different instrument or readjust the one that you have if you like it.
I once ordered a B-stock instrument to try from them, and it wasn't what I had expected. They sent a pre-paid UPS return sticker, so I did not have to pay anything for their mistake. Admittedly, they're not always on the ball, but I'm sure that they'll make the situation right for you!
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