The Clarinet BBoard
Author: AAAClarinet
Date: 2013-03-02 16:54
(assume same make and model equvalent)
it makes scense why larger ( bass and contra) clarinets are more expensive, but why are smaller (c,d,eb) more expensive than sop.Bb clarinets.
just curious.
thanks for your time
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Author: kilo
Date: 2013-03-02 17:14
It primarily has to do with the volume of sales.
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Author: Caroline Smale
Date: 2013-03-02 19:40
Kilo is basically right however to expand on it -
The creation of design and prototypes prior to going into manufacture is a very major cost.
Then the making of the many jigs and tools to manufacture the final product is an equally big cost.
These costs are fixed (whereas the labour and materials used to make an instrument are related more directly to the cost of each individual clarinet).
So to final cost of manufacture is a combination of the fixed and variable costs.
If the fixed costs are say $1,000,000 and you sell 10,000 Bb clarinets then that equates to $100 per instrument.
If you sell only 1,000 Eb clarinets then fixed cost is $1,000 per instrument.
Don't even consider the volume of D clarinets !!
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