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 Re: Tarnished Keys
Author: KSL 
Date:   2013-02-18 23:48

I have a method for nicklel plated keys that works very well. My clarinets are Buffet R 13's. Purchase MAAS metal polish at any hardware store. I use ACE hardware. Also get a small electric buffing machine such as "Dremel" which uses different size felt pads. The 1/2 inch felt polishing wheels work very well.
Apply a little of the polish on the key and use a soft cloth to polish. This alone works most of the time. For stubborn keys use the electric buffer. The felt pads will turn black as the tarnish is removed. You may have to go through several pads.

With this method my clarinets look almost like new. Once the tarnish is removed you need to wipe your clarinet keys after each use, preferably with a polish cloth.

I hope it works for you.


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KSL 2013-02-18 23:48 

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