The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Notes II
Date: 2013-02-06 22:54
Attachment: DSCN1377.JPG (213k)
Attachment: DSCN1378.JPG (215k)
I came across a metal clarinet a few months ago and I really started tinkering with it lately and found it to be very interesting.
I was not in the market for a metal clarinet however the person had a Getzen cornet and three of these metal clarinets a soloest and a conn and this one a french made one that by the way looks outstanding and plays out standing it is almost hard for me to believe it's tone and condition.
Now, what I do know. the case shows me that this is made after the 60's and not later then the mid 70's.
I have looked all over and found that Noblet stop making these in 1962???
well I am a bit puzzled I have been told that these Noblets had a four diget serial number to them and this one does however it seems more like letters to me and could be a European way of ID numbers see the first two are z and the last one is z so this could be sevens however the bottom of the numbers go under the bell ring, does anyone know this is possible?
I really like this horn and the more I play it the more I am completely fascinated by it I've even dared to use it in the orchestra the other night with no complaints, just compliments.
I never thought of bothering with these instruments strictly Lelanc, Selmer and Buffet.
If anyone can help me with this puzzle I would be most appreciative.
Thank you
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Author: Steven Ocone
Date: 2013-02-06 23:30
Leblanc had many serial numbering systems. I doubt that anyone has them all in one place. It has created many headaches.
Steve Ocone
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Author: bbrandha
Date: 2013-02-07 00:52
I also have 2 very nice brass Noblets. I'm glad you like yours, too. Click on the Noblet photo at the top.
Hope these help!
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2013-02-07 02:36
This is a Noblet 18, and was still in the Leblanc catalog as of 1966.
From my survey of Noblet and Normandy clarinets, it seems Noblet introduced each new generation of instrument resetting the serial number back to 1.
With a well-matched mouthpiece, the N18 can indeed play very well. I'm glad you like yours.
The Conn could have easily been another winner. Conn metal clarinets were all intended to be professional-grade.
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Author: Notes II
Date: 2013-02-07 05:04
Steven, Bbrandha and Ursa.
Thank you all very much. I do appreciate your experience and knowledge on this subject.
The Conn does need a bit more attention to it, it may take me some time to make it a playable horn, what takes a craftsman a few days to do perhaps takes me weeks to do.
The Soloist does play and very well at that however nothing at all like the Noblet and thank you Ursa that information on model 18 does help me refer to the Noblet rather then an IT!
Yes I do enjoy playing this horn but not as much as I love seeing the rolling of the eyes and the reaction when they hear the tone.
I'm not using anything fancy for a mouthpiece but I am using a spear Richard Hawkins standard that I usually have cut down for my specs.
It does perform very well.
TO all of you again, thank you for your time and your expertise
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