The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Russ
Date: 2001-02-27 23:59
Hello.... I'm just curious. I was wondering... What is your favorite sonata?? Also how do you feel about the Poulenc and Milhaul Sonatas? Can't wait to hear from you!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!
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Author: Todd
Date: 2001-02-28 03:22
Too many to choose a single favorite. Four of my top fav's are the Brahms Sonatas, both no. 1 and no. 2, the Poulenc, and the Saint-Saens. I plan on working on the Poulenc next.
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Author: Kai Tze
Date: 2001-02-28 05:05
My recent discovery includes Bernstein's Sonata!
It's great!!
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Author: Gene Wie
Date: 2001-02-28 05:19
I'll second the's great. The Hindemith is wonderful too.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 2001-03-01 03:43
1.Debussy's Premier Raphsodie
2.Bernstein's sonata
3.Heinrich Boerman's Adagio
4.Brahms sonata's,trio, and quintet
5.Weber's sonatas
6.Rabaud's Solo de Concour
7.Bach's cello/violin sonatas or partitas transcrptions
8.Danzi's sonata
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Author: Chris Ondaatje
Date: 2001-03-01 10:32
I agree with most of the above ideas, with a few exceptions. The Baermann Adagio is dreadful, I also have trouble enjoying the Finzi Bagatells. The Carol is particularly hard to listen to. My judgement is probably coloured by some of my students experiments in these areas. The Debussy is beautiful. I find it very hard to do justice to music like this.
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Author: Ed Wojtowicz
Date: 2001-03-05 02:45
I must comment on the post by Chris regarding the Baermann Adagio. I used to think it was an "ok" piece. Not particularly special. Sometime a while back I got the recording on Boston Records of Harold Wright performing it. I WAS STUNNED BY THE BEAUTY OF IT!!! It sounds like one of the most wonderful arias you have heard. He plays it with such beauty and lyricism, very poetic, lovely phrasing. I now hear this piece in a new light. Check out this recording. (He also does the Debussy and other works) You may also become a convert.
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