The Clarinet BBoard
Author: eac
Date: 2012-05-30 14:18
When I play long B (middle line on the staff) on my R13, it's a bit resistant and I really have to work to get it to speak easily. I happened to play my brother's 40 year old Normandy the other day and that note was one of the best on that clarinet! Any ideas why this would be so? And more to the point, anything I can have checked, adjusted, or changed on my R13? Thanks!
Liz Leckey
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Author: kdk
Date: 2012-05-30 14:52
Yes, have the clarinet checked by a competent repair tech for leaks. Most likely, either the long keys that control those notes are out of adjustment and the pads are not sealing, or you have a series of small air leaks around other pads higher up. If pressing the key for long B harder makes it speak, the likelihood is that the levers are just out of adjustment. If B plays well when you also are pressing the C key but is balky when you only press the B key by itself, the adjustment between the two needs to be checked.
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Author: William
Date: 2012-05-30 16:05
When I first started playing R13's back in the 1960's, the first thing I noticed was the resistance present in the "long" B--or B4. For my clarinet, is was not a maladjusted key mechanizm but rather learning to compensate for the resistance with a little added breath support. The "problem" disappeared on its own after a few hours of practice and performance. That is not to say that your clarinet may require some additional key adjustment, but rather that resistance in the long B is common in Buffet R13 Bb's and even worse in R13 A's.
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2012-05-30 18:37
Well the first thing I'd look for is the tuning. Is it playing flat? If so you could have a repairman adjust it.
Most likely you have a leak and it could way up in the upper register, not necessarily in the lower register. I just went through this a few weeks ago on a new horn! A big difference.
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