The Clarinet BBoard
Author: RonaldP
Date: 2011-12-26 14:50
Maybe somebody here can assist?
I tried to order bore oil from the "Doctor" can't seem to get anywhere.
Last entry in News Letter was in 2008.
Are his products still available?
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2011-12-26 15:21
I had the fortune of stopping by his place a few weeks ago (great guy!). He's still making stuff and selling it. I'd shoot him an email, or contact him by phone. Maybe his newsletter hasn't been updated, however he had plenty of products ready to sell and ship when I was there.
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: Alseg
Date: 2011-12-26 17:51
He has been having some web server problems of late.
He is quick to answer email, so try that route.
Disclaimer: I have a contractual relationship with Dr. Henderson, limited to the Chedeville (tm) barrels. I have no monetary interest in the bore oil products.
-Where the Sound Matters Most(tm)-
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Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2011-12-28 02:59
I've read a lot about oils for bores, including oboist and bamboo flute specialists. I conclude that the most used oils for wood bore instruments are nut oils with a bit of preservative so they don't turn foul smelling. One common solution is boiled linseed oil,but I do believe it is not made to be eaten, so I don't use it. I just picked up Almond oil from Whole foods, and am using that on a new Bansuri bamboo 7 hole flute. No problems yet, knock on wood.
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Author: jim lande
Date: 2011-12-30 18:43
Search the board re the relative merits of nut oils, petroleum based oils and whatever the Dr sells. Since I play metal clarinets, I don't have a dog in that fight. Everything I have gotten from him has been first rate, except for some reeds, which may have been excellent, but not to my taste. (Wrong connotation. Just didn't like how they played for me.) Other than being a customer, my relationship with the Doctor is to occasionally suggest that me design and offer a tenor sax swab. His black beauty for clarinets is much superior to others I have tried. I'd love to have a similar one for a tenor. He wasn't so sure there was a market.
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Author: RonaldP
Date: 2011-12-30 21:19
I was able to get in touch with Doctor Henderson via. the telephone.
Bore oil is on the way.
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