The Clarinet BBoard
Author: clarinetkid23
Date: 2011-12-19 23:38
Hey everyone. Just curious, does anyone have a certain "ritual" they do either the day of an audition or just before they go in?
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2011-12-20 18:01
Laelia Loban wrote:
> I used to go throw up, but I don't particularly recommend that
> as a strategy.
LOL! Dark humor, but funny!
I haven't done auditions, but before any performances, concerts, etc., I just do whatever I do as my daily warm up. Long tones, slow scales, register exercises, etc. Just about 15 to 20 minutes of warming up. I don't really run through any music...I figure whatever I don't have down by RIGHT before the audition, another ten minutes won't help.
But if I stick to a regular warmup routine that I do all the time, it helps to calm the nerves, remind myself that it's no big deal, and I can just play how I've been practicing and all should be well (assuming practicing has gone well).
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2011-12-20 21:35
A couple of stiff drinks. No, not really, just a few glasses of wine or a couple of beers. ESP
PS. Nah, just try to relax and have as much confidence as you can. Let yourself know that you are prepared and can win this. If time allows, run over everything once or twice and try out your reeds, then try to relax.
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Author: bethmhil
Date: 2011-12-21 03:29
I second Alexi's post... adhering to a developed warm up routine is good for the nerves as well as the face/fingers. Long tones are particularly important, and at least for me, are very soothing.
Also understand that all your reeds will sound horrible on audition days. They really don't; you're just much more hypersensitive to their flaws. Just choose the one you think is best, and stick with it.
On the day of an audition (or big performance, for that matter), I don't eat anything with a lot of sugar (or grease) and especially steer clear of caffeine. Stimulants will only intensify nervousness. I really like green tea and bagels for audition days. Bagels have complex carbs that give you energy, and the tea really just tastes good to me. I don't particularly like bananas, but I've heard others say that the vitamins in bananas are good on performance days. If possible, go for a short jog perhaps in the morning. Exercise promotes the release of endorphines in your body and will make you feel good.
I also take a 20mg beta blocker an hour before a big performance. Unless you get debilitating performance anxiety (like, serious hyperventilating, nausea, etc.), I don't recommend that route. Like Ed said, use confidence to keep calm.
Illinois State University, BME and BM Performance
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Author: bethmhil
Date: 2011-12-21 03:37
^^ Forget what I said. I like this idea more!
Illinois State University, BME and BM Performance
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Author: Ebclarinet1
Date: 2011-12-23 18:52
Eat but eat LIGHT. I generally do a salad and fruit the day of the audition. Also stay HYDRATED. I tend to go dry mouthed in pressure situations but staying hydrated definitely helps.
If anxiety is a problem, you might consider a prescription medicine. It does take the edge off and avoids alcohol. "Dutch courage" is never a good path, I've found!
Of course the first step is being prepared to walk in that door. if you know you're ready, then it will be OK. You may not win the audition but at least you know you've put your best foot forward. If you receive actual constructive criticism, take their advice too. It will help on the next audition.
Eefer guy
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Author: salzo
Date: 2011-12-24 20:51
I like to run naked through the woods, humming the Mozart clarinet concerto.
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Author: huda
Date: 2011-12-24 23:12
go through the basic scales, play your favorite songs, and calm down- your more likely to die from stress than from playing a wrong note; in fact, being tense is BAD for your point is, as stated above, a few stiff drinks cant lead you in the wrong direction unless youre under 21- if youre under 21 stick to just 1 or 2 shots and a couple of beers! good luck, M.Y.K.
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2011-12-26 04:51
Auditions are for sure hard of most of us. For me the weird part is wondering what will shake this time. Sometimes my legs shake, hands get cold, even though you are sweating and the fun one is when your lips and jaw quiver and here comes that unwanted vibrato.
For me, age related, auditions are very rare. However solos in orchestras or quintets, actually any solo gets my attention even if it's been played a lot.
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