The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Wertty
Date: 2011-12-19 17:30
Where do you all store your reeds? Many people seem to opt for reed cases that hold more than one reed. I still use the plastic cases that the reeds come with. Should I switch to a reedgard? What is your take on this?
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2011-12-19 17:36
As long as the reed is allowed to dry evenly and flat it doesn't matter too much how fancy or simple the reed holder is.
...............Paul Aviles
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Author: RachelB4
Date: 2011-12-19 18:00
Selmer glass plack case:
I've never had such a great case. It's easy to slip reeds in and out and also keep a bit of sandpaper and small reed rush as well. I don't worry about any damaging or inconsistent conditions. Dirt from wherever you store the reed case doesn't slip into it like the singular reed cases.
I use 3 cases, but this is my main one that I always keep with me.
Also, I've heard that some people keep all their individual reeds and cases in a wooden cigar box. That way they can moniter the humidity level as well as stick in a damp-it if needed.
Post Edited (2011-12-19 18:13)
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Author: LJBraaten
Date: 2011-12-19 18:11
I notice that the Rico Reed guard cases seem to pinch / flatten the high point at base of the reed. I am not sure if this will affect the tone quality or performance of the reed. I still use a few of these, but am careful not to put them in too tightly.
For humidity "control" I put my reeds in a zip lock baggy, then breathe a couple of breaths of moist air into it before sealing it. Seems to have revived some of my stuffy Gonzales reeds.
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Author: JJAlbrecht
Date: 2011-12-19 18:43
I got a wonderful custome wood cae from Rofger Garrett. It's absolutely beautiful, and keeps plenty of reeds safe for me.
“Everyone discovers their own way of destroying themselves, and some people choose the clarinet.” Kalman Opperman, 1919-2010
"A drummer is a musician's best friend."
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Author: Trevor M
Date: 2011-12-19 18:58
I use the Muncy Winds reed cases, although they are a little bit high in terms of price. I haven't seen any really, really good reed cases- even the nicest ones seem like a C+ and awkward to use at rehearsals or even in the practice room.
Things I would like in a reed case:
1) a design that makes it extremely obvious which side is 'up'
2) a latch that can't open accidentally
3) a compartment for sandpaper or regular paper
4) a size comparable to a typical etude book, so it can hold a lot of reeds and ride with the music
5) some effort toward a system of classifying reeds within the case (numbers, or maybe sliders that you can set to 'new' or 'soft' or 'breaking in')
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Author: SteveG_CT
Date: 2011-12-19 19:25
Trevor M wrote:
> Things I would like in a reed case:
> 1) a design that makes it extremely obvious which side is 'up'
> 2) a latch that can't open accidentally
> 3) a compartment for sandpaper or regular paper
> 4) a size comparable to a typical etude book, so it can hold a
> lot of reeds and ride with the music
> 5) some effort toward a system of classifying reeds within the
> case (numbers, or maybe sliders that you can set to 'new' or
> 'soft' or 'breaking in')
Interesting thoughts. Would anyone be interested in collaborating to design an "ideal" reed case? I have a machine shop in my garage and could make some prototypes if anyone has some good ideas. Might be an interesting project.
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Author: Claire Annette
Date: 2011-12-19 19:32
What about an idea that would fit into a notebook or music folder; one that would not only fit in a music bag or music pocket but that would also fit on a music stand so that you could have your reeds close by during a performance or rehearsal?
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Author: Claire Annette
Date: 2011-12-19 19:38
Also wanted to add: a reed case that would hold both thick blank reeds and those with thinner butts. It would be nice if a yet-to-be-invented reed case would work for cane and for synthetic reeds.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2011-12-19 19:59
Paul Aviles wrote:
> As long as the reed is allowed to dry evenly and flat it
> doesn't matter too much how fancy or simple the reed holder is.
For this reason I've always been prejudiced against any reed holder that doesn't allow air to circulate around both sides of the reed. This lets out all of the ones I've ever seen that hold the reed against a piece of glass and all of the Reed-Guard type holders unless they have grooves in the table to allow air under the reed (I'm not sure how well those work, either, but maybe they do) unless you've dried the reeds thoroughly flat side up before storing them in the holder. Reeds need to dry from both sides evenly.
Gonzalez makes a reed case (which I've only seen at Muncy Winds) that holds the reeds on their edges. Buffet used to put a very flimsy plastic version of the same thing in its cases years (decades?) ago.
Lots of people use those glass holders and like them, and lots of reed break-in routines are used specifically to prevent reeds from warping (not the tip crinkling you get in a reed that's not wet enough - an actual bend either across or lengthwise along the back). My experience is that storing the reeds on edge (or drying them flat side up before storing them in a flat glass case) is a nearly absolute guarantee against warping.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2011-12-19 20:02
The Gonzalez cases I mentioned in my response under Paul's comment will hold any clarinet reed you put in it, including synthetics.
Not that I'm specifically promoting the Gonzalez case, but it isn't "yet-to-be-invented."
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Author: oca
Date: 2011-12-21 04:33
I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to work on a reed-case with you. I have plenty of time during this fortunate winter break!
I remember scouring the internet for the perfect reed case. I remember the Vandoren Hyrdrocase with humidity control, the Vandoren 8 carrier, the Vandoren 4 carrier with the replaceable moisture control, the Rico case with the "Revitalizer", the glass Selmer case, the cherry-wood cases by Garret, the Protec, the see-through reed holder, and the pocket reed guards of Leblanc and La Voz, the famous and mysterious water-jar reed case, but never have I seemed to find "The One"
What did I do?
I made my own. I saw each of their flaws and corrected them. I saw each of their innovations and incorporated them. However I had an immense drawback: my limited materials and my limited time.
How did I make it?
I took the clarinet cleaning microfiber (not a swab) that came with the clarinet, folded it into a 4 inch by 8 inch condensed cloth, and put it into a standard eyeglass case that I had lying around so that the cloth was the "teeth" of the "jaws" of the eyeglass case. My reeds would then go into the the case and be sandwiched by the cloth.
Although I know that there is less air in there than I hoped, it still beats all the others. The cloth serves as a a versatile humidifier, able to refold to change to a dryer part, completely expand for quick refreshing of the cloth due to the huge surface area, and rewashable/reusable not like Rico's vitalizer sham. Keep in mind, this is only with very limited materials.
How do I contact you Steve?
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Author: SteveG_CT
Date: 2011-12-21 14:47
oca wrote:
> How do I contact you Steve?
My personal e-mail is listed in my user profile. Shoot me a message there. Same goes for anyone else interested in participating.
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