The Clarinet BBoard
Author: clarinete09
Date: 2011-11-09 21:04
I am thinking to purchase one of them as a secondary horn for playing outdoor concerts, any coments? Or maybe a leblanc backun bliss wooden clarinet. . Are these clarinets( Buffet E11 Custom Bb Wood Clarinet) made in germany or france? I found this one for only $849, a pretty good deal in a music store based in Vegas, Also, any comments about the wooden bliss clarinet?
I am not sure if I am allowed to post the link here. . Anyway any comments or insight will be greatly appreciated!
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2011-11-09 21:30
Please update your profile with a legitimate email address.
Mark Charette, BBoard Administrator
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2011-11-09 21:39
I REALLY liked the leblanc bliss wooden clarinet. VERY good clarinet (although I didn't like the barrel it came with. But a different barrel was able to transform it to a GREAT clarinet, comparable with a pro in my opinion).
I'd take a look at just the type of climates you'd be playing outdoors. If you aren't going to play extremely cold or hot temps, and generally nice weather, a wooden horn would be fine. If it's something to be worried about with wood, I recommend a pro Ridenour Lyrique, but once again, I preferred a different barrel.
I haven't played an E11, but I have a hard time thinking that it could be at the same level of a wooden bliss.
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: Vubble3
Date: 2011-11-10 00:08
get the e11 if you want a more orchestral sound. or bliss for a more contemporary sound. i'd choose e11
Buffet Bb R13 A RC Prestige
buffet chadash and moennig barrels
Lomax classic lig
b40 lyre
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2011-11-10 01:15
clarinete09 wrote:
> So you think their quality is similar?
I've never seen or played an E11. But I would have picked the wooden bliss over quite a few stock R13s that I've played. Maybe it was THAT particular wooden bliss, maybe I just got a winner, but put a good mouthpiece/barrel combo on it, and it could really sing through the registers. Just doesn't sing as well as my main horn, and I had no use for an extra horn around that wouldn't get played that much so I got rid of it. I did play a buffet Evette Master Model (which I THINK was the name that become the E11), and it was not even close to what that wooden bliss could do.
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2011-11-10 05:38
Googling E11 Custom gives a link to a store (Kessler) that sells the German E11 with some "upgrades" like a different barrel, pads, etc. Is this what you talking about? It says on the page it is the German E11.
The differnet barrel is most likely an upgrade but you can never know until you compare them. Overall I'd say when trying Moenig/Chadash/Backun barrels on E11 clarinet there was an improvement.
The pads are Valentino pads, which although I don't like so much for various reasons, are probably an improvement considering the quality of pads I've seen on both German and French E11s in recent years (not so good, tearing too fast, etc.).
I found build quality of the Bliss models better than E11s but I've only tried them in instrument exhibitions. I haven't yet thoroughly checked one that was played for a while, which is how I found the problematic E11s (including the new France model). I think the Bliss models usually come with Valentino pads which would prevent the pad issue (one of the major problems) so having them on the E11 would make that equivalnet anyway. Though Valentino pads have their own issues...
Personally I haven't found any issue with the stock barrel on the Bliss clarinets I've tried.
Edit: I looked at the link again and it seems those options are not included at the price, they are additional options at extra cost. The E11 is a good clarinet but I stopped recommending them because of build quality issues. So with E11 vs. Bliss I'd just get the cheaper one (if the difference is significant) and if not get the one you like better.
Post Edited (2011-11-10 05:44)
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Author: clarinete09
Date: 2011-11-10 11:20
Thank you clarnibass! What are those building quality issues that you mention?
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