The Clarinet BBoard
Author: csmith4796
Date: 2011-10-10 21:34
If using a Backun barrel, in your opinion which model is better for a buffet R13? Traditional, protege, ringless, fatboy, moba? Grenadilla or cocobolo?
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Author: Bb R13 greenline
Date: 2011-10-10 22:27
Pretty much everybody is gonna say something along the lines of "I like/use this one but the only way you'll know is to try them all out for yourself" that being said i have the grenadilla traditional barrel and I feel it helps project and dulls my sound alittle bit. you might find it's the best thing you ever bought who knows
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Author: kdk
Date: 2011-10-11 01:08
The last time I bought barrels from Morrie Backun, they sent me about a dozen barrels - a couple of each shape in both grenadilla and cocobola. I forget if they paid for the shipping both ways if I bought something, and their general policy about approval selections may have changed since then, but you can give them a call - Google BACKUN MUSICAL SERVICES LTD. for their website and phone number. You'll probably talk to Olivia, who is very helpful (I have no connection to Morrie Backun or his company).
As I remember, the whole point was that the barrels aren't made specifically for one clarinet or the other - they're not even specifically for A or B-flat. You just have to find the one (or two?) that give you the best result on the instrument you intend to use it with.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2011-10-11 02:36
The famous English clarinet player of the past, Jack Brymer, wrote in his book "The Clarinet", the barrel is more an extension of the mouthpiece than it is part of the body of the clarinet. I totally agree. You just have to try them to know which one works best for you. And even with the same model, they all play a bit differently because they're made of wood so each one can be very slightly different. ESP
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