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 Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Katrina 
Date:   2008-02-16 00:22

I know it's not clarinet-related but it's really fun! Who knew there could be such a use for a hand-held milk-frother!


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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: GBK 
Date:   2008-02-16 01:02

- and I'll raise you one musical glass playing virtuoso:



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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Tara 
Date:   2008-02-16 01:45

I call- have you seen the "Marimba Ponies"???


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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: DAVE 
Date:   2008-02-16 03:31

The glass thing was amazing. The little kids were cute.

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: C2thew 
Date:   2008-02-16 07:04

awesome, what other awesome links do you guys have!

Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. they are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which was already but too easy to arrive as railroads lead to Boston to New York
-Walden; Henry Thoreau

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2008-02-17 14:49

Someone showed me this one yesterday. It's worth watching.



Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: allencole 
Date:   2008-02-18 01:43

Definitely a jaw-dropper, Alexi. Thanks for sharing that.

Allen Cole

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Tode 
Date:   2008-02-18 02:55

This one is of Buddy Rich on the Muppet Show.

This one is just completely silly. Chickens and a piano.

~Sarah Todenhoft~
Geaux Tigers!

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: EEBaum 
Date:   2008-02-18 04:04

I see your ponies, glasses, chickens, etc. and raise you Kraftwerk!



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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Pathik 
Date:   2008-02-18 10:50

that's all very well, but.....


....settles the "dispute" once and for all!!

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2008-02-18 11:58

Not music related, but a serious film about farms and farm-related tragedies from the '70s (tenuously linked to the original milk motif) which I hadn't seen since 1978 (the wonders of YouTube!):

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omdCXEdVCT0
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15CFF8DoYFc
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6qU90IhCrk

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

Post Edited (2008-02-18 11:59)

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: EEBaum 
Date:   2008-02-18 17:48

Wow... I think Chris wins. That is a seriously messed up video.


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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2008-02-18 18:03

Yeah, and living right by a cattle farm at the time I saw this (I was only 5) only reinforced the slurry-pit fear.

There were plenty of similar public information films shown on telly during the day (usually between 9am and 2pm) that gave us '70s kids nightmares.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: C2thew 
Date:   2008-02-18 18:24

drowning, that's a crummy way to go out. i could see where this vid could have really tampered with your mind. that'll take the innocence right out of you in a second, for sure.

Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. they are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which was already but too easy to arrive as railroads lead to Boston to New York
-Walden; Henry Thoreau

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2008-02-18 18:38

Did they show similar programmes in the US? Not exactly Mr. Rogers or Sesame Street! I don't remember seeing anything like that (in a similar slot in the schedule) on Canadian telly in the early '80s.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: EuGeneSee 
Date:   2008-02-19 02:18

Then there's Tony Royster, Jr. on the drums when he was really junior:


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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Dingo 
Date:   2011-10-05 09:26

Not specifically clarinet-related but… I like it very much and, besides, it is always a pleasure to listen Mozart.

This is the new “Air France” advertisemet. I think it´s beautiful and poetic ad:

And this is the original piece of music (Mozart’s Piano Concerto no. 23 -2nd mov.-)

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: LesleyM 
Date:   2011-10-05 14:37

I'm sorry but this takes some beating (and it is Clarinet related!)


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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Spinsheet71 
Date:   2011-10-05 15:56

LesleyM wrote:

> I'm sorry but this takes some beating (and it is Clarinet
> related!)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWbj7FYEi3M

darn it you beat me too it. lol

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Liquorice 
Date:   2011-10-05 21:35

I think he beats himself with this one:


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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Arnoldstang 
Date:   2011-10-07 16:55

The original videos here is just too much fun. Perhaps we have become too serious about everything.

Freelance woodwind performer

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Arnoldstang 
Date:   2011-10-07 16:57

The original videos here is just too much fun. Perhaps we have become too serious about everything.

Freelance woodwind performer

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Dingo 
Date:   2011-10-08 10:43

Imaginative and musical cartoons from Looney Tunes:


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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Tobin 
Date:   2011-10-08 14:25

Totally un-clarinet-related, but if I had this type of body control I imagine playing the clarinet would be easier for me:



Gnothi Seauton

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Dingo 
Date:   2011-10-09 09:43

And another funny, charming and very musical cartoon. This time from the Disney factory:

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Dingo 
Date:   2011-11-03 09:35

Post Edited (2011-11-03 12:42)

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Dingo 
Date:   2011-11-03 12:44

Silent monks "singing" Handel's "Hallelujah". Funny and original:


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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2011-11-10 00:06

A song about interval ear training....pretty interesting!


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: Dharma 
Date:   2011-11-10 09:38

sfalexi wrote:

> A song about interval ear training....pretty interesting!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pixFHbIb5J8

Oh no!

I pray for the day I can play clarinet like that, and ths guy does it with a carrot?

Or maybe I just wasted £250? You can get an awful lot of carrots for that kind of money...


A horse is drawn to water, but a pencil must be lead.

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 Re: Not specifically clarinet-related but really cool Youtube!
Author: annev 
Date:   2011-11-10 17:37

If you like choral music (and cats)....


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