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 Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet
Author: justme 
Date:   2011-08-30 13:34

Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet

Here's a video introducing the new wood clarinet from ridenour clarinet products.

A few things to note:

1. It has an adjustable thumb rest.

2. It has adjustable set screws underneath the crow's foot.

3. It has inline trill keys.

4. The side trill keys are post mounted with four keys mounted on FOUR separate posts instead of the normal three on most other clarinets.

5. Tom says that it's his best acoustical design.

6. Tom hand tunes and finishes them just as he does with his rubber clarinets.



"A critic is like a eunuch: he knows exactly how it ought to be done."

An instrument of torture operated by a person with cotton in his ears. There are two instruments that are worse than a clarinet -- two clarinets

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 Re: Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet
Author: rtmyth 
Date:   2011-08-30 13:51

Also a review by Sherman on his clarinet corner site.

richard smith

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 Re: Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet
Author: TianL 
Date:   2011-08-30 17:58

i'm surprised that Tom hasn't put some recordings of the G1 on his website yet.. it would be nice to hear and compare it to the rubber ones.

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 Re: Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet
Author: justme 
Date:   2011-08-31 00:35

Yes, I guess it would be appropriate to post the link for the review of this clarinet by Sherman Friedland on his clarinetcorner web site as well:


"A critic is like a eunuch: he knows exactly how it ought to be done."

An instrument of torture operated by a person with cotton in his ears. There are two instruments that are worse than a clarinet -- two clarinets

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 Re: Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet
Author: RyanD 
Date:   2011-08-31 23:52

Does anyone know why he made a wooden model? Right on his site he says that he finds rubber to be the best material to make clarinets out of.

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 Re: Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet
Author: SteveG_CT 
Date:   2011-08-31 23:57

I suspect that he made a wooden clarinet for the same reason every other clarinet maker uses wood instead of a more dimensionally stable material. People are simply willing to pay more money for a wood instrument than they are for one made from any other material.

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 Re: Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2011-09-01 00:43

Take a Ford 150. Then take a Ford 150, and slap the name "Harley Davidson Edition" on it. Both do the job, but which costs more?

Take a clarinet. Then take a clarinet and make it out of wood. Which one do you think people will have an easier time thinking it could be considered "professional"?

Wood sells, and it's believed by some that if it ain't wood, it ain't good.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Introduction to the lyrique g1Bb clarinet
Author: skygardener 
Date:   2011-09-01 13:49

Wood sells, and it's believed by some that if it ain't wood, it ain't good.
Reminds me of the time I was playing clarinet a little with a friend (quite good musician BTW) and he said, "Sounds good! Hay what kind of clarinet is that?"
I told him, "Plastic Bundy Deluxe. Wanna try it?"
Raising his eyebrows, "No thanks."

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