The Clarinet BBoard
Author: metalheadsimon
Date: 2011-05-30 14:05
Looks like im posting a lot today guys
I have recently been enlitened into the art of klezmer clarinet playing, and am incredibly interested in learning more about it and possible techniques etc for not only the experience but as a way of delving into new repertoire.
does anyone know of any beginner klezmer tuition books, or have any suggestions on how i should approach innitially tackling this amazing form of clarinet playing? So far the majority of suggestions ive had are all listening based, and as useful as ive found it, i havnt particularly managed to replicate well at all the desired affects
Thanks very much again for your time
Simon Cowton
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Author: luca1
Date: 2011-05-30 14:12
Galper has a basic Klezmer book you might start with. There are many Cd's video clips available online.
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2011-05-30 14:57
I believe Tom Puwalski has a book out on klezmer as well. I'd check it out. That dude can certainly play. And I know David Krakauer is big in the klemer scene too. Maybe he has some stuff out?
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: clarinetguy ★2017
Date: 2011-05-30 16:45
Michele Gingras has a great beginner's guide:
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Author: Wes
Date: 2011-05-30 17:41
lThe Kamen book was common many years ago but it may be out of print. It contained many Jewish pieces. Having played many affairs in the Fairfax district of Los Angeles with the Sol Feldman band, it was used on most of these engagements. Bb, C, and Eb books were available.
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Author: Tony M
Date: 2011-05-30 22:11
The Tom Puwalski book is 'The Clarinettist's Guide To Klezmer' (Zephyr Publishing, 2001). Apart from quite interesting material on playing styles, it also has a bit about history and some recommendations for listening.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2011-05-31 02:19
I always assumed that to play 'real' Klezmer clarinet you had to have Gypsy/Yiddish blood in ya
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Author: Tony M
Date: 2011-05-31 04:53
Is that Gypsy and Yiddish blood or Gypsy or Yiddish blood? I'd hate to try only to be doomed from the start. I'll have to go back to playing the blues. Oh but ... no, we're not going there, are we?
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Author: metalheadsimon
Date: 2011-05-31 09:57
Thanks everyone ive ordered a few of the books mentioned and am gonna try and get the university to order in the others for me
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Author: Lelia Loban ★2017
Date: 2011-05-31 12:13
Another title: Giora Feidman, "The Dance of Joy," Rom Productions, 1992. Feidman prepared the book with the International Center for Klezmer Studies under the direction of Ora bat Chaim.
This is a sheet music book of 22 klezmer dance tunes for clarinet from Feidman's recorded repertory. They're written for clarinet in either Bb or C. Each tune has two sets of chords for guitar or piano improv printed above the clarinet score, so if you worked with a pianist or a guitarist, you would need two copies of the book. (One set of chords is for use with clarinet in Bb and the other is for clarinet in C.) Each selection also indicates what key signature Feidman played in his recording. Most of the pieces only call for one Bb or C clarinet, but two are duets in octave unison with bass clarinet and one is a duet in octave unison with basset horn.
To hear the audio, click on the "Scorch Plug-In" box above the score.
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Author: Matt Locker
Date: 2011-05-31 13:39
I think the book you are referring to is "The Magic of the Klezmer". It actually contains 27 songs for either Bb or C clarinet.
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Author: Lelia Loban ★2017
Date: 2011-05-31 18:22
There may be more than one Feidman book, Matt. The citation I gave is correct. I own the book and had it in front of me when I copied the information out of it and into the message.
Came back to add.... I'm neither recommending nor criticizing the book because I know Giora Feidman is somewhat controversial in klezmer circles and I don't know enough about that specialized area of music to give an informed opinion. I bought the book on impulse from a dealer at the 2004 ClarinetFest in Washington, D.C. after I attended (and greatly enjoyed) Gene Kavadlo's "Viva Klezmer!" performance there.
To hear the audio, click on the "Scorch Plug-In" box above the score.
Post Edited (2011-05-31 18:53)
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Author: Bob Phillips
Date: 2011-05-31 20:21
@ Clarinet guy:
Thanks for the Michele Gingras link. Since it is free and expert, I suggest that everyone interested in Klezmer go down load and read (all 4 pages!) of it.
I took a symposium with here at EWU Clarinexus a couple of years ago, and she is superwoman!
Of great interest in her 4-pages are her annotated bibliography --including advice on how to resolve your personal controversy about Giora Feidman.
Puwalski's history with Klezmer playing is very interesting. At ClarinetFest, he had half an auditorium playing Klez by ear and marching around the theater in under an hour.
Bob Phillips
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Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2011-06-01 14:31
Bob, we need to work on the other half of that auditorium. Everyone can learn to play klezmer music and everyone who plays a clarinet can learn to play by ear. I am a firm believer that the only way you can learn to play any type of music is by ear.
I was interviewed on Kristen Mather's blog recently and posted an excerpt from my up coming klezmer book. The link:
enjoy this is one of my favorite tunes to play
I've actually performed some small living room concerts with these tracks loaded on my Ipod and my hope is that people will learn these tunes and take them to the street!
The world needs live music and there isn't a Sr. center around that wouldn't love to have someone play a few klezmer tunes for them. You could play with the tracks or have you're band listen and learn the tunes with you. The think is you gotta listen to the music.
Tom Puwalski, Author of "The Clarinetist's Guide to Klezmer, and the soon to be released "Klezmer Boot Camp" and a Backun Clarinet Artist ( I will playing on the first Backun clarinet made under strict rabbinical supervision)
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2011-06-04 02:29
Tara Publishers have many, many Klezmer Books - 212 songs in it
Title: The Jewish Fake Book Bb
Artist/Author: Velvel Pasternak
Type: Book
Price, $:
By the description, you can fake being Jewish
Post Edited (2011-06-04 02:32)
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