The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bb R13 greenline
Date: 2011-04-28 01:20
so I really want to go to this highschool, ive had a taste of atmoshperes where every player is skilled and motivated to be their best and I love it. public schools even great music program based ones like mine just dont compare. I feel as if im wasting my time here when i could be "learning more in less time"
my parents do not mind me going here but we are really short for cash, on top of that my family would have to be relocated 7 states away, we are not fond of the cold, and my gpa is only a 3.2 unweighted, weighted a 3.6
even with all of these circumstances is it realistic for me to go here? i have started putting more effort into my school work to get atleast a 3.8 unweighted gpa and i have always tried hard with my music. financially is what i think is the biggest problem for me. my parents realy dont want to do financial aides because they dont want to have a debt.
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Author: curiousclarinetist
Date: 2011-04-28 03:51
Go for it. It can't hurt to apply. In my experience, the school is great about money! I had a generous scholarship that made it possible for me to attend and I had friends who were paying less than $5000. They really try to make it possible for everyone who gets in to go there.
I lived many states away from Interlochen as well. My family didn't come with me. It is a boarding school after all. I went home on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break, but that was all. It was fantastic though. I don't regret it one bit.
A way to ease the financial strain would be to attend for just your senior year. That's what I did and what most of the kids there do as well. Your GPA seems fine and your audition will be a big factor. You have nothing to lose by applying and seeing what happens.
When I applied, I never dreamed I would get in or even be able to afford it. You may get a great surprise.
Curious Clarinetist
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