The Clarinet BBoard
Author: tww
Date: 2002-12-05 21:31
Is anyone familiar with this piece? I don't believe it's been mentioned on this board. I heard it at a recital recently and found it to be intriguing. I'm not a big fan of modern music, but this piece held my attention. I think it is a neat piece to check out, and one that explores extremes of the clarinet's capabilities without being distasteful (as far as modern music goes.) If anyone has comments about it I would be interested to read them.
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Author: Andrija
Date: 2009-08-08 17:58
Yes, that's really an excellent composition. I performed it and it became one of my favorite pieces. It was written in 1966 for Serbian clarinetist (and my former professor) Milenko Stefanovic ( You can read about it here: It was performed and recorded first by Milenko Stefanovic, but I also had an opportunity to listen to some new recordings by several foreign clarinetists. If someone needs more information, please contact me directly.
Best regards,
Andrija Blagojevic,
Assistant Professor of Clarinet,
University of Pristina-Kosovska Mitrovica,
I.C.A.'s National Chair for Serbia
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2009-08-08 22:46
You can find it on Itunes performed Principal Clarinetist Slovenia RTV Joze Kotar.
Joze's recording on Itunes is really good, I have a live recording which is crazy stunning of it. (I'm Joze's Itunes guy)
If you send me the receipt of the itunes purchase, I'll email you the live one too.
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Author: Andrija
Date: 2011-04-21 19:46
It will be one of compulsory pieces at the International Jeunesses Musicales Competition in Belgrade in March 2012 (
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Author: Andrija
Date: 2011-07-18 10:28
The preview of Bergamo's Concerto Abbreviato can be found here: .
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