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 Yamaha YCL-650 for college and Beyond?
Author: ttay1122 
Date:   2011-03-07 02:21

Im a Senior in High School and getting ready to attend college. Im taking private lessons at the point and I need an upgrade badly. Im stuck with a vito currently and in the process of getting a new instrument. My parents budget is tight and I don't have the money to pay for anything so about my only choice is a Yamaha YCL-650. Ive played this instrument and it is up to my standards although I really wish I could go for a Yamaha custom. Is a YCL 650 going to work well and should I just use it till I can manage to pay for something better or what? Opinions?

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 Re: Yamaha YCL-650 for college and Beyond?
Author: curiousclarinetist 
Date:   2011-03-07 02:29

I know someone who played a Yamaha-650 through college. Worked fine for him. He got frustrated with some intonation issues in the left hand notes, but it works great overall. Yamaha might not be the first name recommended for the clarinet, but they make really nice instruments.

Curious Clarinetist

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 Re: Yamaha YCL-650 for college and Beyond?
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2011-03-07 03:14

If you have budget constraints, work within that. Personally, I've played a few yamaha 650's and have been very impressed by them. I'm not sure it'd be my FIRST choice (I'd need more time with them to double check), but I wouldn't say it'd really hold you back. Check them out, and enjoy. You may find down the road that a new barrel or good barrel/mouthpiece combination can transform your 650 to be much better and much closer to what you want. And if not, the one's I've played were great and you can save up and maybe keep it as a backup or pass it along via the classifieds ads to someone else who will appreciate a good budget buy.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Yamaha YCL-650 for college and Beyond?
Author: clariniano 
Date:   2011-03-08 01:30

I taught a student last year who's playing this model of clarinet in her university music studies, and she's one of the top first-year clarinetists at her school that's not in the performance program there (yet another student who studied with me is at the same school as she is, but for Performance), and have taught two other students with that model, both excellent players. I play a Yamaha B flat myself (my A is a Leblanc), used to play an R-13 but I like the sound and feel of the Yamahas much better.


Please check out my website at: http://donmillsmusicstudio.weebly.com and my blog at: http://clariniano.wordpress.com

Post Edited (2011-03-08 02:25)

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