The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Lee
Date: 2001-01-09 00:28
Hey I'm am really interested in auditioning the All-state orchestra but the problem is
that I do not know how to get in touch with them to get info about auditioning.
So is there anyone out there who could help me?
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Author: dsaf
Date: 2001-01-09 02:12
haven't you tried asking a teacher at your school?
usually, i think your school has to be a member of some state-wide music educators organization. In NY, it's NYSSMA (ny state school music association). I think your school has to pay money to belong to it. I dunno. some more info at <a href = ""></a>, or you can do a search on yahoo for some info
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Author: Julia
Date: 2001-01-09 02:53
If you're in NY, you have to be in 10th grade, and you have to do a NYSSMA level 6 all-state solo. If you're a string player, then obviously you're auditioning for the orchestra, but for winds I think you might be able to choose a preference, but I don't remember. Also, to play a solo in the festival, you have to pay, I think, 15 dollars. You get your score that day, but that doesn't tell you about getting into area all-state, or all state---you have to wait until the summer. (in NY only juniors and seniors play in the all state ensembles(conference), but they auditioned as sophmores and juniors). Anyway, best of luck....and ask a teacher at your school to help you, because there are a list of solos you have to choose from.
Good luck,
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Author: lbh
Date: 2001-01-09 18:55
Do you have to have done a level 6 solo prior to auditing for All State, or can you just audition ?
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Author: Julia
Date: 2001-01-09 21:16
It's all kind of in the same 10th grade you can do a level 6 all state solo for the NYSSMA festival, then in the summer you find out if you got into either Area All-state or Conference can be in both because they're at different times (Conference is the one you want--the whole state, but area is good too). Then your junior year, you go for a couple of days in the fall and rehearse and perform a concert provided you made it.
hope this helps
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Author: Deanna Howarth
Date: 2001-01-11 19:19
I auditioned for All-State NY when I was a sophomore and a have to pay money to NYSSMA, and audition at a "All-State" site during one of the NYSSMA weekends, usually whichever is in your school's "zone." It's very very very competitive, a A+ doesn't always cut it - I got a 97 and my boyfriend scored 98 (also on clarinet) and we both didn't make it.
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Author: Julia
Date: 2001-01-11 21:29's extremely competitive. A couple of years ago one of my best friends did NYSSMA on voice and clarinet. She scored 100 on voice and a 99 on clarinet----she made it for voice, and as an alternate for clarinet. Not only does it depend on your score, but it also depends a little on what reccommendations your adjuticators make on the form.
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