The Clarinet BBoard
Author: v12clarinet73
Date: 2010-10-30 17:35
In the 42nd measure of the second Bb clarinet part for Frank Ticheli's Vesuvius, there is a half note tied to an eighth note followed by an eighth rest and a quarter rest. The half note has been tied from a whole note in the previous measure marked forte. In this measure, a diminuendo is started, continuing into the next measure where it terminates with what looks like a dynamic marking of "n". I have never seen nor heard of this marking in any music. When listening to a recording, I never heard anything special occur in this measure. Does anyone have an idea as to what it might be?
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Author: johng ★2017
Date: 2010-10-30 18:09
It may mean "niente", meaning go down to nothing or disappear. Seems to me I have seen that in a Ticheli piece.
John Gibson, Founder of JB Linear Music,
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