The Clarinet BBoard
Author: USFBassClarinet
Date: 2010-05-07 04:15
I fully plan on attending going to ICA this summer in Texas. I will be toting along my selmer bass clarinet and my Leblanc Bb. What kind of humidifier should I consider adding to my cases for the trip? I don't usually monitor humidity here in Florida but I figure a much drier two weeks in Texas could cause some damage.
I tried the search function, but what I came across seemed only for permanent humidifying.
and I know this is kind of early. But better get it now than forget later.
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2010-05-07 05:20
I just spent 2 days in Texas, the southern area, performing. It was warm and humid. Kind of fun actually, the reeds and the horns played great.
Your horns will be fine, no chance of cracking.
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Author: Lynn
Date: 2010-05-08 01:29
I live in Austin, and I can assure you, without reservation, that the temperature and the humidity indices will almost be equal in July. It not only gets hot in Central Texas in the summer, but it also gets very humid. Pack accordingly, and don't worry about anything in your bags to make things any wetter than they'll already be once you're here.
Having said that, though, it's a wonderful city, and we look forward to showing off "The Live Music Capitol of the World." Austin is a most-diversified city, and I hope you'll enjoy visiting here as much as we do living here. Just do something while you're here to "Keep Austin Weird!" (official city motto)
Best to you.
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Author: USFBassClarinet
Date: 2010-05-08 09:25
Thanks for the words guys. I am originally from Texas, but didn't play all those years ago. I will enjoy seeing it all again.
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