The Clarinet BBoard
Author: janlynn
Date: 2010-05-06 17:03
i have been playing in a community wind symphony which finally had its concert 2 weeks ago.
i have also been playing in a clarinet ensemble which has a performance next week.
i have also been taking lessons in which i have a recital on the 24th.
i have been practicing so much for all of these im almost completely burned out. i took a few days off which turned into a week and now more than a week. i cant get motivated to get back to practice to get through the rest of the month.
how do i get back into the swing of things? i havent even set out my clarinet for practice since rehearsal on monday. I have a rehearsal on saturday with my pianist as i am playing the first movement of the hindemith sonata for my recital. i getting really sick of the piece. ive been working on it for a couple months.
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Author: ColeHanson
Date: 2010-05-06 17:12
I know exactly what you're experiencing, and this used to happen to me a lot when I played primarily saxophone.
For me, the biggest thing to help get into the swing of things is just to set aside time where you can't do anything else and force yourself to play the instrument. After a break, you'll feel very odd playing again, and won't sound nearly as good as you did when you were playing all of the time, but with a few days of solid, serious, practice, you should be right back in the swing of things ready to give a recital.
It's so easy for "breaks" to multiply and turn from one day to fourteen, but if you can just make yourself play again, you'll thank yourself later and continue to grow as a player.
Another thing that can also help is find something that you are excited to practice and learn...a new solo or ensemble piece, or maybe a new technique. Being excited to sit down and get better as a musician and clarinetist is the best motivator.
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Author: Gandalfe
Date: 2010-05-06 17:30
When it's hard for me to pick up my instrument, I like to do play-alongs with Aebersold books or YouTubeage recordings for music I have from past performances. I do feel guilty if I don't practice at least 5 hours a week, but it happens.
Jim and Suzy
Pacifica Big Band
Seattle, Washington
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Author: EEBaum
Date: 2010-05-06 19:35
Play only things you like for a few days. Ignore the warm-ups, the technical studies, the scales. Just play the rep you like and the pieces you like, and just for how long you like.
Maybe just turn the TV on and improv a score to CSI Miami.
If you didn't have a bunch of performances coming up, I'd recommend taking a week or two totally off from the instrument. It takes a few days to get back in the swing of things, but some of my best improvements, technically, stylistically, and philosophically, came as a result of time off.
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Author: Nessie1
Date: 2010-05-10 12:58
I know how difficult it can by to get going but, if I've got performances coming up, I just think how I don't want to make a fool of myself!
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