The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Lindsey
Date: 2000-12-10 02:07
Hi! My grandma owns a Penzel- Mueller Bel Canto Clarinet from when she was in high school and since I'm now looking into professional clarinets for while I'm in college majoring in Music Ed, I was wondering what people could tell me about hers! I kknow that it is made of Grenadilla wood, has Silver plated keys?, and the serial # on it is R-849-8. It also has a white mouthpiece with it that is labeled "Artist Model Penzel Mueller Long Island, NY" Can anyone tell me the exact age of this instrument or how it would compare to today's models like those produced by Buffet or Selmer? Thanks so much!
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-12-12 02:46
Since no one has responded, I'll try. While your clarinet is probably no younger than 50 years, it was one of the better US made cl's of the mid 1900's. We have discussed P M's here before so I suggest you "Search the Phorum" for those thread-posts. I have 2 myself, and a good friend plays an Artist [or Empire] model happily and well. Cant help much more, will try if you ask. Don
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Author: Lindsey
Date: 2000-12-12 22:36
I also know that it has no cracks on it. I have had some trouble playing it but I think that is mainly due to the difference in mouthpiece because when I switch it w/ the vito mouthpiece that I've been playing on (yes I know--yeck--I'm purchasing a Buffet E-11 finally and most likely getting a vandoren mouth piece) it plays much easier. The bottom ring on the bell is loose and I can't figure out how to fix that...they didn't when it was taken in for a complete overhaul about 3 years ago. Does anyone know how to fix that? I have also had some trouble with some keys sticking but have learned some ways to try and solve that from my private instructor. What I am mainly trying to find out for this instrument is it's worth in money. My grandma is determined not to let me have it, yet she wanted to sell it at a yard sale for $25.00 to someone else like she did with my Uncle's antique silver plated coronet and my dad's silver trombone when I was still in Junior High (which, needless to say, neither of them or my grandpa was happy with the fact she did that!) I want to be able to prove to her that it is worth it to keep and maybe pursuade her to allow me to play it (a Vito Resotone isn't really known for great quality...haha...I'm sick of playing it.) Thanks for any help. I have looked at the previous threads, just trying to learn more.
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Author: Mark P.
Date: 2000-12-13 03:34
Penzel Mueller ceased production in the mid 60s. Bel Canto clarinets go for between 50-100 bucks on eBay on a fairly regular basis. PM made decent clarinets and some of their mouthpieces are really excellent. I use a PM Artist mpc on tenor saxophone.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-12-13 15:02
Thanx, Mark P, yes, my 1920's full Boehm PM is still a good horn, however somewhat flat above the staff [prob. needs tapered and/or polycyl bore in the upper joint] . Re: mouthpieces, I believe they were made for PM [Long Island NY] by The Woodwind Co, I visited WW in the 1950's in downtown NY in a "loft" off Broadway as I recall! . I have several old WW mp.s and provided a G8 to our orch's solo cl'ist. They are very good, even by comparison to the much newer, special mp's with exotic bores and lays. Don
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Author: wvalhof1
Date: 2013-02-08 14:59
You probably need a thicker cork on the bottom segment. The folks who did the overhaul should have taken care of this. Take it back.
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Author: Steve L
Date: 2013-02-08 16:47
Made me laugh that. Actually its 16 years since the overhaul.
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2013-02-09 10:12
MarlboroughMan, I think that depends on the clarinet involved. Some makes of clarinets receive preferential treatment, ya know. Crimes against Buffets make the papers, while crimes against, say, Boosey & Hawkes clarinets, mostly go unreported.
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Author: Steven Ocone
Date: 2013-02-09 10:55
I would not suggest keeping the clarinet to use instead of your E-11 in school. The E-11 is likely to be better in tune and have a more "modern" sound. But there are other reasons to keep it. Sentimental reasons for one. And to have clarinet to with a different sound to play around with and learn from.
Steve Ocone
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2013-02-09 11:50
Tell us about that 'modern' sound, Steve. Like that of the R-13 (designed in the early 1950s) which the majority of American clarinetists play?
My 'balderdash' alarm went off when I read your post.
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2013-02-09 13:23
It's been over 12 years since Lindsey's posts regarding her P-M Bel Canto and Buffet E11. :o)
I would hope that she's a busy professional clarinetist by now, in possession of her dream instrument(s)..
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