The Clarinet BBoard
Author: thomas
Date: 2000-11-22 11:10
Vandoren advertises a mouthpiece M13 which should sound like " the american legend".
Which mp do they simulate?. Is it another facing on normal Vandoren mp or is it another
mouthpiece (other dimensions, chamber size, perhaps side walls not parallel etc?).
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Author: Anji
Date: 2000-11-22 13:08
It is (according to vandoren adverts) based on the "Chedeville" of old. I have one and have been warned that the quality control is spotty. Some have asymmetric rails, some don't. Bottom line, better have 3 or more to try before buying.
Mine has needed LOTS of work to play consistently, but it has the tone preferred by my teacher over my other mpcs.
I don't know about the chamber dimensions, sorry I can't be more helpful.
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Author: Chris Hill
Date: 2000-11-25 04:54
The M13 has a larger bore and a deeper baffle than a standard Vandoren mouthpiece, such as the 5RV or the B45. This lowers the pitch and adds depth to the sound.
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Author: steph
Date: 2000-11-26 03:57
I've been playing a m13 profile 88 for almost a year. It has definitly lowered the pitch of my 20 yr old leblanc LL. however, it's 100% better than the selmer HS *. I'm getting a really great tone and I'll stick with this for a while.
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