The Clarinet BBoard
Author: NCClarinet2009
Date: 2009-09-04 21:50
What are the best model years for Buffet Bb and A Clarinets? I am looking to replace my Bb with a serial of 58XXX. It's an old bird with intonation problems.
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Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2009-09-05 13:08
If the best years for an instrument maker are not "right now" why play one?
Tom Puwalski
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Author: JJAlbrecht
Date: 2009-09-05 13:15
Tom has a point, but in spite of that, many consider the "golden" years for R13 clarinets to have been between 1965 and 1975, give or take.
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Author: William
Date: 2009-09-05 20:42
Mine are from that "golden" era and they are good. However, during that time period there were also lots of average to not R13's and a few Excellant ones. But I think that is typical for any brand of clarinet--every years is a [you fill in the blank] year depending on the quality of the instrument you find after trying a zillion or so. So, Tom, there certainly were some "dogs" made back in the 60's, but I'll bet a box of recent V12's that there are also some current Buffett dogs barking out there somewhere. You just have to be careful not to buy one.........
Btw, the finest Buffet Bb clarinet I ever played had a serial number in the 20,xxx's. That was in college and my [then] clarinet teacher talked me out of buying it as it had a crack in the upper body that needed repair--as he said, "your taking a big chance with that". Guess what--he bought the clarinet for himself and played it in our local symphony orchestra for many subsequent years.
Post Edited (2009-09-05 20:47)
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Author: rossbu
Date: 2009-09-06 00:25
I've owned several of the vintage horns from the 70's, an 80k series that I played for over 20 years, one I currently own is a 220k, and lastly, a 2 year old r13 that I picked up used. The 2 year old has by far the finest tone, response, and intonation, pretty much of any clarinet that I've ever played. Of course, I credit my friend, Ivan Garcia for picking it out in Europe, presumably at Buffet, and subsequently selling it me for a fair price.
My personal opinion, is that there is no magic era just better made horns, be it luck or craftsmanship, from every era, although I suspect that overall, todays horns played way more intune than the older era horns. At least, that is what I've found with the 4 Buffets and 2 Selmers that I've owned.
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Author: Pappy
Date: 2009-09-06 01:20
My 1964 R13 is getting overhauled right now. I have a brand spanking new R13 as a loaner (on "trial" technically). I'll stick with the golden years for my self. No contest (JMHO).
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Author: Pappy
Date: 2009-09-10 01:32
I have to throw in that I've been playing the new 2009 "loaner" R13 for a few days now and it's really growing on me. Intonation is improved over my "vintage" horn. Some things I perceive as "quirky", but probably just different. Very nice key work. Sound has "darkened" up nicely with the right mouthpiece and reed. I will have them side-by-side in about a week. That will be a fun exercise.
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