The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bill
Date: 2000-11-13 22:28
Why did you pick the vintage R13. I'm going to wwandbw in NY tomorrow, shopping for an R13 or ??, so I'm curious.
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Author: Robert Gifford
Date: 2000-11-13 23:55
There were different reasons, I prefered the sound (its different by a little bit), and its a little bit longer. I also liked it because it had two barells, in fact I like the second better than the original. Also I found that its intonation is better... but I guess its different depending on the Insturment itself. I also like the unstained wood, and the nice lovely double case they give you.
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Author: Cathy
Date: 2000-11-14 02:54
Congratulations! I have a Vintage (for little over a year) and I absolutely love it. Its a wonderful instrument and I know that with care mine will last me a lifetime.
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Author: Ken Rasmussen
Date: 2000-11-14 03:38
I'm curious: What years of R13 does the vintage emulate? My horn is a 1970 R13. Is that like the vintage, or is it more the the current R13, or is it altogether different from either?
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Author: bob gardner
Date: 2000-11-14 03:46
My R 13is 355646 and thats makes it about 20 years plus. Is this a vintage?
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Author: brianp
Date: 2000-11-14 04:38
Could be wrong, but I seem to recall that the vintage emulates instruments from the mid to late fifties.
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Author: Robert Gifford
Date: 2000-11-14 12:54
The Vintage is "supposed" to emulate the ones made in the 1950's. I doubt howerver that it does this exactly, but it is made very well.
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Author: Dave
Date: 2000-11-16 04:38
intriguing... when did Buffet start to produce these horns? I'm a lil bit out of the clarinet world
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Author: Robert Gifford
Date: 2000-11-19 18:23
The Vintage was re-designed from the R-13 in 1996 by Rene Lesieux. It was designed by the requests of players that wanted a clarinet with the same feeling that they had in the old R-13s of the 1950's.
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