The Clarinet BBoard
Author: interd0g
Date: 2009-07-25 20:21
There are hardly any musicians in Antigua who would be interested in classical chamber music, but I do have myself, and a former trained but rusty pianist from UK.
My ambition is to present the kegelstatt trio which is manageable and quite easy listening.
For the third member, the viola, I have stood ready to transcribe the part for any instumentalist who turned up.
Last June a didgeridoo artist was here from Perth , Oz.,on a 41 foot yacht, and stayed for a month but he found the part too challenging.
Right now i have a bagpipes played from Glasgow but once again it is a stretch.
Does anyone have experiences on extreme transposition and substitution?
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2009-07-25 20:30
I've used accordion for the piano part and violin for the viola part!
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Author: interd0g
Date: 2009-07-26 20:28
Thanks for the response. When I get this together I will post a record of the performance regardless of the outcome. The most likely candidate for the viola will probably be a steel drum ( or 'pan') player. There are still plenty , and some are remarkable - read too.
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Author: bmcgar ★2017
Date: 2009-07-26 20:33
Ed, think of this kind of thing as banging your head against the wall so that you can experience how good it feels when you stop!
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