The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Frank
Date: 2000-11-12 16:01
---Steve Hartman wrote,
Author: Steve Hartman (
Date: 11-12-00 10:01
I don't thing that gossip has a place on this bulletin board.
Frank Cohen is the principal clarinetist of the Cleveland Orchestra and, as such, deserves our respect and interest.
Simply because a person is principal clarinet of a major orchestra does not mean the he or she deserves our respect or interest! There have been many principal clarinetists that have been rather unsavory individuals that do not deserve respect, admiration or interest! Brian Schweikhardt in Sacramento comes to mind. [I have no idea why that name comes to mind. A quick search of didn't bring anything up as to any unsavory articles - in fact, nothing at all.]
I also don't appreciate the lecture on BB etiquette. I was simply relaying information that had been passed to me from a good friend of [deleted by webmaster]. Do with that information what you will; interpret it as you wish. It is simply a point of interest as far as I'm concerned.
Frank (not Cohen)
P.S. [more gossip deleted by the webmaster]
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Author: Mark Charette, Webmaster
Date: 2000-11-12 19:07
Do not post personal gossip at all - it has no place here. Personal experiences on teaching style are, of course, welcome, but second or third hand information mtends to have all the contextual clues we need to make any sort of judgement.
As to the arbiter of BBoard etiquette - that's me on this BBoard. Gossip is not tolerated.
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Author: Frank
Date: 2000-11-12 20:45
Just because information is controversial does NOT make it gossip!
Do much for a free exchange of ideas and opinions.
P.S. I'm sure this too will be deleted!
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Author: Dee
Date: 2000-11-12 20:58
Unless it happened personally to you, it *IS* gossip and should not be repeated. You could ruin a person's most valuable asset, their reputation.
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Author: Mark Charette, Webmaster
Date: 2000-11-12 21:11
You know, Frank, I wonder what "Biker Bil", your teacher, would think about your postings.
You're a lot less anonymous than you think ... It's a small world, so think before you write.
Frank wrote:
> Just because information is controversial does NOT make
> it gossip!
> Do much for a free exchange of ideas and opinions.
> Frank,
> P.S. I'm sure this too will be deleted!
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Author: Bob Arney
Date: 2000-11-12 22:09
Please don't take this as snarly, but in reading over the thread I can't imagine half of the "Jim" comments being made (Hat's Bass Clarinet) if we had taken all the above as our guide line. Have we turned pious or what? I vote for the no gossip and no slander or snide comments.
Bob A.
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Author: Mark Charette, Webmaster
Date: 2000-11-12 23:42
The difference was that both Jim and Dave were first hand participants - we could write back & forth to them. That is a <b>huge</b> difference. If either one is lying we have it on record. In the gossip cases we only have second or third hand participation and we cannot judge on hearsay.
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Author: Anonymous
Date: 2000-11-13 01:18
man, so much bad air around here....why dun u all jus chill out? jus think positive
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Author: Anthony Taylor
Date: 2000-11-13 06:36
The second player in the Cleveland Orchestra is a great guy and an inspiring player and teacher. Whether or not it is a good idea to pass rumors on this bulletin board, I don't think this one is true. I think that anyone in a major orchestra such as Cleveland is likely to be highly committed to their own personal concept of sound and music-making. I am sure that there are differences of opinion between them, but that has to be normal.
What goes around comes around. Maybe it felt like a moment of triumph or mischief for our Frank, writer of flame-mail toward a few of the best players out there. Can't say how or when, but the music world is too small.
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Author: ron simmons
Date: 2000-11-14 03:06
You people make me sick, especially you, Frank. You have no business to talk @!#$ about Frank Cohen. Even though he may play differently than some, he is principal clarinet of THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA, and you are not. Where is the respect? He is more sucessful than any of you punk asses put together times 10. And some day when you all get some taste and maybe a per service job, you may realize what fools you really are. Go ahead, follow the crowd, Gilad, Montanaro, "Biker Bil" - "legendary clarinetists", how creative.
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Author: Keil
Date: 2000-11-14 03:09
Okay, who's "Biker Bill"? I didn't realize that Yahuda Gilad was so well known! WoW!!!
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2000-11-14 03:18
Biker Bil (one "ell") is Bil Jackson, a fine teacher and player. It's been his nickname for I don't know how long - but quite a while.
Telling tales is not a wise thing, especially in public. We all hear things from time to time, but most is best left to ourselves.
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Author: beejay
Date: 2000-11-15 20:02
Biker Bil. I thought that was Acker Bilk sneaking in through the back door. A very nice fellow, by the way. Whatever happened to that idea of "if music be the food of love..." etc?
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Author: Crystal Obrien
Date: 2000-11-16 06:26
At first glance, I thought it was odd to see the names Frank Cohen and Acker Bilk in the same posting. After some reflection, I realized that here was a rare instance of an orchestral clarinetist and an old time pop-clarinetist having similar approaches to the instrument.
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Author: dsf
Date: 2000-11-17 05:12
Acker Bilk!!!! Now I think that we can all agree that THERE is a "legendary clarinetist" if there ever was one. Truely, without a doubt, Acker Bilk is one of the greatest *EVER*! Every time I hear his rendition of "Stranger on the Shore" it brings a tear to my eye. And talk about technique! Have you ever heard a faster vibrato?
Acker Bilk ROCKS MY WORLD!!!!
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Author: anonymous
Date: 2000-11-17 22:37
My legendary player is Harold Wright, who can resist his Weber quintet?
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Author: rob
Date: 2000-11-19 19:03
I sure can resist Wrights chicken squak sound.
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Author: anonymous
Date: 2000-11-20 13:21
What the hell is that suppose to mean? As if you could make ANY kinda sound.........
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Author: rob
Date: 2000-11-20 16:39
Well honestly I cant see what kind of sound you can produce emulating Wright, and your writing from Cleveland, hmmm, thats odd.
In the future, lets attempt to keep these sort of opinions to ourselves. As you can see this is a touchy subject area with some folks.
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Author: Hot Joe
Date: 2000-11-22 06:28
Harold Wright was able to fill the hall with such a beautiful yet particular sound. Rob I disagree with you. And I'm sure 75% of the professional clarinetist in this world would agree with me. Are you a professional clarinetist?
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Author: Crystal Obrien
Date: 2000-11-23 01:18
I couldn't agree more Hot Joe; Harold Wright had a concept of clarinet sound which was highly refined, sensitive and so complex that most people can't attain let alone comprehend it. - Crystal
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Author: Hot Joe
Date: 2000-11-23 21:41
What kinda name is cyrstal obrien? Don't you mean Obrien Crystal mouthpieces....I'm on to u! u better lock your doors, cuz i kno where you live! hehe
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Author: Crystal Obrien
Date: 2000-11-25 02:26
Hot Joe?... What kind of a name is that? Let's not be hypocritical here ok? Besides, we seem to agree on Harold Wright so let's not spoil it.
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Author: Hot Joe
Date: 2000-11-25 13:45
Hey crystal o brian, here's a message for u:
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Author: Crystal Obrien
Date: 2000-11-25 21:09
Hot cup of Joe, don't make me sick my man Frank Rizzo on you! Back off! Crystal
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