The Clarinet BBoard
Author: John J. Moses
Date: 2009-07-03 04:43
Hi All:
Just a quick disclaimer:
The NY Pops will be on National TV on July 4th for the MACY'S fireworks display.
I'll be playing lead Clarinet in the Orchestra, and I want you all to know that we pre-recorded the music you will hear, last February at Purchase College in Westchester, NY.
So, I and all the others will be syncing-up to the pre-recorded track, and not actually playing for the TV broadcast. My fingers may just wander a bit, since I really don't have to play anything. It's a drag we are not able to play live anymore, but the Producers don't want to take any chances with the occasional "flub" that might happen. It's sit there and "fake it" time, so don't be surprised by what you see and hear. Also you won't have to wonder, like we did at the Inauguration Quartet, if it's being done live.
What is odd, is that on July 3rd, I'll be playing for a huge fireworks show at the Kensico Dam in Westchester, NY with many of the same musicians that do the NY Pops, and we'll be playing LIVE for thousands of fireworks fans!
So it's "Milli Vanilli" for July 4th and LIVE for July 3rd. You gotta love this music business!
A Happy 4th of July to all of you!!!
Légère Artist
Clark W. Fobes Artist
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Author: William
Date: 2009-07-03 14:30
Hope your Fourth of July is a blast as well. And, btw, I hope the union scale for *not playing* equals that of actually playing........$LOL$
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2009-07-03 17:51
I hope you have a great reed for your syncing, it's important so the viewers actually think you're playing. ESP
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Author: John J. Moses
Date: 2009-07-03 18:27
Thanks for your good wishes all:
We will be well paid for not actually playing, but we have to look really good!
Also, I just found out they are feeding us a great meal aboard the Intrepid on the Hudson River before the "concert"! We're being fed in the ship's "mess hall" (sounds like our Band room at WICKED!).
The Program is all Americana medleys that were arranged by our new Conductor, Steve Reineke. It's the usual American Anthems & popular tunes.
Tonight it's LIVE at the Kensico Dam...YEAH!
Légère Artist
Clark W. Fobes Artist
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2009-07-03 18:43
Many TKS for the "inside info", you can be sure we all will watch your finger "flights of fancy". Is your real Dam concert going to be TV'd or recorded for future perf.? Would like to at least hear it, way out here. Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: John J. Moses
Date: 2009-07-03 19:16
No Don, the Kensico Dam performance tonight is being done LIVE on the site for 5-10,000 screaming fireworks fans, no professional recording! The fans there will probably be recording it for their own use, and I'll bet someone has it on YouTube by tomorrow!
Have a Happy!
Légère Artist
Clark W. Fobes Artist
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2009-07-03 20:26
If this pre-recorded stuff catches on well enough I think I'll be able to fake some auditions and possibly get into the NYC music business....
Sorry. I'm just a little perturbed about the pre-recorded music thing. I (ashamedly) am hoping for some musician to fall over or something while their part is being played and the whole thing gets broadcasted. I just don't understand the need to try to fool the public who will be watching this on "live" television (is that term now a lie because the music isn't live, therefore the broadcast should not be falsely said to be so?)
I mean, I watch events and live TV because it's amazing what professionals can do. I hope they explain on television that it's not live. I thought we learned our lesson with Ashley Simpson on Saturday Night Live, but apparently not.
PS - just to be clear, I know it's not your decision JJM, and you do what you need to do earn a living, I just disagree with the faking/lying to us touting it as "live" and it not being so. I'd be fine if they broadcast a telecast that was pre-recorded of you playing the music in February MAKING a recording for this event. But to instrument-synch to it makes me feel like the producers are just taking advantage of viewers. And from the articles I read after the Ashley Simpson incident, it's actually pretty common for a tour or live performance to be done in such a manner (unfortunately).
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Author: Wes
Date: 2009-07-05 02:20
Perhaps it is a cost issue with the producer. With live players on stage, the players might have to come in very early for sound checks and get paid for that extra time. In addition, the sound technician costs would be more for extra time to set up and test the system as well as to remove it.
There may also be more risk of failure of the equipment or other aspects of the operation in a live production. Could such a public failure cost the producer his job?
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Author: Steve B.
Date: 2009-07-05 03:33
Unfortunately 99% of the 'live' pop performances we see on TV or even in a stadium include some form of backing tracks. It's really not a secret but I guess many viewers aren't aware.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2009-07-05 14:30
Thanks for the info, John. I watched the broadcast -- the fireworks were amazing, and at least they were live. The country fiddle player was WAY out of synch, so I knew the music was pre-recorded. The orchestra was great and did a perfect job of synching.
Hope you had your ear plugs.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Ed
Date: 2009-07-05 16:10
Reminds me of the famous scene between Groucho and Chico Marx in Animal Crackers:
Spaulding: What do you fellas get an hour?
Ravelli: For playing, we get-a ten dollars an hour.
Spaulding: I see. What do you get for not playing?
Ravelli: Twelve dollars an hour.
Spaulding: Well, clip me off a piece of that.
Ravelli: Now for rehearsing, we make special rate. That's-a fifteen dollars an hour...That's-a for rehearsing.
Spaulding: And what do you get for not rehearsing?
Ravelli: You couldn't afford it. You see, if we don't rehearse, we a-don't play, and if we don't play (he snaps his finger) - that runs into money.
Spaulding: How much would you want to run into an open manhole?
Ravelli: Just-a the cover charge! Ha, ha, ha.
Spaulding: Well, drop in some time.
Ravelli: Sewer.
Spaulding: Well, we cleaned that up pretty well.
Ravelli: Well, let's see how-a we stand.
Spaulding: Flat-footed.
Ravelli: Yesterday, we didn't come. (To Mrs. Rittenhouse) You remember, yesterday we didn't come?
Spaulding: Oh, I remember.
Ravelli: Yes, that's three hundred dollars.
Spaulding: Yesterday, you didn't come, that's three hundred dollars?
Ravelli: Yes, three hundred dollars.
Spaulding: Well, that's reasonable. I can see that alright.
Ravelli: Now today, we did come. That's-a (pause)..
Spaulding: That's a hundred you owe us.
Ravelli: Hey, I bet I'm gonna lose on the deal. Tomorrow we leave. That's worth about (pause)..
Spaulding: A million dollars.
Ravelli: Yeah, that's alright for me, but I've got a partner.
Spaulding: What?!
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Author: John J. Moses
Date: 2009-07-05 16:27
Thanks for watching, Ken & all!
It was a very exciting night out on the Hudson.
The pre-record was very hard to synch-up to because of the fireworks behind us. They were extremely loud, and we were all given ear-plugs to protect our ears.
To help a little with all our feelings about the pre-recorded music for TV:
Our work for the day was appreciated, and the "live" concert was paid at Union scale, although we were not required to actually play a single note.
I personally played all my charts, as did most of the woodwinds, I think most of the NY Pops took the gig very seriously, and did their best under the extreme circumstances!
The temperature on th Intrepid was about 62 degrees, with a stiff wind, so all the music had to be pinned down with music clips. We were cold, couldn't hear each other very well & the wind didn't help matters!
For your info, here's our schedule for yesterday's concert, with our General Manager's directions:
"You call is 1:00 for credentials check-in.
The stage will not be covered at any time. Because of this, no one will be required to play a musical instrument during the 2:30PM-4:30PM Camera Blocking/Rehearsal or 5:00PM-6:00PM Dress Rehearsal. It is acceptable to bring your alternate/secondary instrument.
The New York Pops will not be renting instruments. The orchestra will be playing to the track recorded at SUNY Purchase and will not be heard live.
We will, of course, not play if it rains.
Because the stage is uncovered, you may be exposed to direct sunlight during the afternoon. I encourage you to dress comfortably for the rehearsal and change clothes for the telecast, when it will be dark. Consider bringing a hat and wearing sunblock. We will do all we can to limit the time you are in direct sunlight during the afternoon. If at anytime you start to feel ill, please feel free to leave the stage.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday when the orchestra will be seen by its largest audience in history."
Again, I has a ball & it was a thrill to play for the 100,000+ people there to see the show. The TV audience across the Country seemed to enjoy our Celebration to our Great Nation. I was proud to be a small part of it.
Légère Artist
Clark W. Fobes Artist
Post Edited (2009-07-05 16:29)
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Author: musica
Date: 2009-07-05 23:53
Really enjoyed the performance and thanks for sharing the "behind the scene"
stuff too! wondered if the orchestra would be doing a recording session
with Indina Menzel and Audra McDonald to record American River Suite?
They are two of my favorites to listen to .
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Author: DougR
Date: 2009-07-06 01:03
Thanks for the straight dope, John. I'm assuming there were logistical & sonic impediments to doing the playing live--is that your understanding too, or would it actually have been possible?
I had the privilege some years ago of playing alto in a big band that provided music for the Intrepid's 50th anniversary/birthday party. What a treat, playing swing-era charts on the hangar deck (that's the deck UNDER where you guys were) with a night-time view of the Hudson River visible through an open elevator door behind us. Very festive, very moving.
Hope you enjoyed the visit to the ship, hope the mess-hall dinner wasn't as under-whelming as I'm afraid it might have been (I've seen the space I think you were talking about), and I'm very sorry to have missed the telecast! Love your behind-the-scenes stories, though, keep'em coming.
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