The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Matt Locker
Date: 2000-11-07 17:40
I have recently returned to clarinet after many years away. I'm finding that I am denting my mpc with my teeth, and don't remember that happening before. I presume my lip muscles aren't strong enough yet, but are there any recommendations that people here could give me that would help minimize this problem. Exercises, lip positions,.....
All advice welcomed.
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Author: William
Date: 2000-11-07 17:59
Two thought come to mind: 1) you might try playing with double lip embouchre (cover the upper teeth as well as the lower and use a softer reed to start with, or 2) buy some mp pads that glue onto the beak where your front teeth are doing the damage. Any music store has these in stock and they are inexpensive. Welcome back and good luck.
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Author: Ashley
Date: 2000-11-07 21:02
I do that too.. on everything i play. Maybe my front teeth are too sharp, I dunno. All i did was buy some mouthpiece patches from the local music store, theyre these clear Yamaha things (at least the ones they carried were), I bought large ones (to fit my bass clar) and cut the others down to fit to my clarinet, and alto/tenor saxes. There were 4 of them, they cost something like $5.25. Only thing I noticed is that it dried my upper lip out for the first couple weeks. it took a little getting used to, but its no problem now. hope i helped
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Author: Kristen
Date: 2000-11-07 23:05
That is very common in playing the clarinet. I had that on my mouthpiece ever since I have been playing. But u should try a mouthpiece patch, as in the e-mail above, they are about $2. Good luck with playing your clarinet again i know how it can be without playing it for a while lol!
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Author: mark weinstein
Date: 2000-11-08 00:14
Even if you didn't bite and make teeth marks/indentations, you would scratch the mouthpiece. We have even had discussions here on the difference in sound that a mouthpiece patch brings. No doubt, after a short period of time, you'll get used to the patch. I prefer the black runner over the clear plastic. Like almost all things Clarinet, DSFDF.
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Author: Matt Locker
Date: 2000-11-08 11:36
I'm glad to hear I'm not alone on this! Yes, the mpc patch is a very acceptable option but mine are on back-order from the W&B!! I guess everyone is buying them! Time for a trip into town. I'm playing a ML #2-1/2 and I don't want to go any softer so this isn't an option IMO.
Thanks for all the responses.
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