The Clarinet BBoard
Author: sander uit halsteren!
Date: 2000-11-05 18:38
sander uit halsteren doet bij deze de groeten aan zijn ma.... veel plezier met klarinetten.... bai bai.... sanny-boy
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Author: Nate Zeien
Date: 2000-11-05 19:43
Ik begrijpen je geen. Spreken je Duits? Ik spreken duits. Ik spreken luttel Nederlandse taal. Welkom a! :-) -- Nate Zeien
PS - The best translation I can give to the above message is "Greetings from Sander of Halsteren and mother. Clarinet is a lot of fun. Bye bye. -- Sanny boy" My reply says that I speak very little Dutch and asks them if they know how to speak German, and welcome to sneezy. If anybody else can translate this better, please give it a try. German, Norwegian, and Spanish I can understand without too much difficulty, but I can't understand Dutch worth a tinkers darn...
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Author: Joris van den Berg
Date: 2000-11-05 21:13
A more accurate translation would be:
"Sander from Halsteren hereby greets his mother...Have lots of pleasure playing the clarinet!"
Er muß Deutsch sprechen können, weil fast jeder Niederlander ein bischen Deutsch sprechen kann.
Mein Deutsch ist leider nicht so gut, aber ich verstehe es wohl.
Perhaps it would be by far easiest to just stick with English so more people are able to understand what people are talking about.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2000-11-05 21:26
Please just leave your email address off if you don't wish to reveal it. Otherwise I end up with bounced email messages sent to me ...
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Author: Dee
Date: 2000-11-06 01:57
ron wrote:
> What is this BS?
ron, it is Dutch. There is no rule that postings have to be in English. Of course the poster won't get nearly as many responses but that's ok. It is inappropriate to make negative comments about other languages.
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Author: ron b.
Date: 2000-11-06 18:02
Hallo, Sander!
Mehere Leute hier, in US (u. weltwiet) Koennen mindestens etwas deutsch verstehen. Ich finde, wir haben deutsch, hier in die Schule gelernt, gemeinsam mehr als hollaendisch. Reaktion? Wie Dee, es oben gesagt hat; vielleicht ein paar. Es wurde mich freuen aber, Sie eine Antwort versuchen zu geben... gebrochenes Deitsch oder (was).... sowieso, ein froeliches willkommen an die KlarinetteSieten! Es freut mich sehr, das Du die Kalrinette gern spielst. Wie lange spielst Du schon? ]
[ Some people here, in the U.S. (and worldwide) can understand at least a little German. I think German is a somewhat more commonly learned in schools here than Dutch. The response? As Dee said above, maybe a few. I'd be pleased to try to give a response... broken German or (whatever).... anyway, a hearty welcome to the ClarinetPages! I'm happy you enjoy playing the clarinet. How long have you been playing? ]
P.S. I've noticed some 'translation' CDs offered on eBay. I haven't bid on any but that piqued my curiosity... Has anyone used any and, if so, are they any good?
ron b.
NOT -- the 'BS' ron above.... please :|
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Author: Nate Zeien
Date: 2000-11-06 18:15
From what I have heard, Sander speaks English fairly well... Our attempts to communicate are perhaps a little more complicated than need be! :-) -- Nate Zeien
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Author: ron b.
Date: 2000-11-06 20:27
you probably are correct, I'd bet on it. But, we don't know why Sander posted a message in Dutch.... do we? Oh, to say 'Hi' to his mom (!) okay :|
(Larry) ; niessig - niesstig - niesstiger(in) - ?
personally, I love getting off the track, feels right at home 8)
ron b.
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Author: dunya
Date: 2000-11-06 22:02
Sander zijn moeder: nog meer groeten! Veel plezier.
I also greet Sanders mom. Have fun!
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