The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bill
Date: 2000-10-03 16:27
I am basically satisfied with my plastic Yamaha CL-20, and it is the only clarinet I've had my hands on. I am wondering if plastic clarinets are noticably heavier than wooden clarinets, and in particular compared with a Buffet R-13?
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Author: Aaron Diestel
Date: 2000-10-03 16:58
I agree. PLastic clarinets are almost always lighter than wood clarinets. My plastic Buffet B-12 is noticablly lighter than my R-13.
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Author: Bill
Date: 2000-10-03 21:09
The opposite of what I expected, but I think I'm glad the plastic is typically lighter than the wood clarinets.
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Author: Dee
Date: 2000-10-03 21:51
Bill wrote:
> The opposite of what I expected, but I think I'm glad the
> plastic is typically lighter than the wood clarinets.
The woods used to make clarinets happen to be very dense, thus heavy, woods. Such woods machine better and hold up better in use. They are denser than the normal hardwoods such as oak or maple that we see in fine furniture and many times denser than fur, pine or balsa or the composite particle or chip board.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2000-10-04 02:29
I've found that the weight of wooden horns really varies from brand to brand and model to model too. It depends on wall thickness and bore size.
In my opinion the R-13's are lighter compared to Concertos while Signatures are among the heaviest.
One other student in the studio where I study recently bought a Bay wooden clarinet and I thought it had a surprisingly nice & light feel to it.
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Author: Andy J.
Date: 2000-10-04 02:42
it seems that my E-11 weighs less than my old el crapo vito thingy.. most likely from all the dirt buildup and mics animals growing on it.. then there's my metal clarinet.. that sucker is heavey.. it's a pain to play anytime exept marching.. which isn't that bad because you have to concentrate on not plowing over the people in front of you instead of noticing that the clarinet weighs 50 lbs..
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Author: Eoin
Date: 2000-10-05 22:53
I'm sorry to hear that your Vito is el crapo. Mine is quite a decent clarinet and I had many happy hours playing it. The highlight of my Vito's career was me performing the Minuet and Trio from
Mozart's Clarinet Quintet, which is a really easy piece but highly effective. After that, I decided to buy a wood clarinet and got my E-13
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