The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ashley91489
Date: 2008-06-18 16:15
I'm looking at the Klose Method Book for Clarinet, p. 244 #15 and the notes are as eighths but if they were all eighth notes, it would exceed 4 beats per measure. Most appear to be grouped like triplets would be but they aren't marked that way. Even though there isn't the 3 above the notes, should they be played as triplets. If anyone has the Klose book around to check, that would be great!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2008-06-18 16:35
They are triplets even though they aren't marked as such. This is often done, even though in a perfect world it should have the 3 above to make it clear they are triplets.
If you see quavers grouped in threes in this manner but without the 3 above them (that's three grouped quavers to each beat), play them as triplets - as though it's in 12/8. When you see groups of two per beat in the same piece or study, play them as equal quavers.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2008-06-18 16:39
Ashley91489 wrote:
> I'm looking at the Klose Method Book for Clarinet, p. 244 #15
> and the notes are as eighths but if they were all eighth notes,
> it would exceed 4 beats per measure. Most appear to be grouped
> like triplets would be but they aren't marked that way. Even
> though there isn't the 3 above the notes, should they be played
> as triplets. If anyone has the Klose book around to check, that
> would be great!
They are triplets.
The exercise is in cut time.
If you had played the previous exercises #1, #7, #12 and #14 you would notice that the notation is similar ...GBK
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Author: Bob Phillips
Date: 2008-06-19 15:27
Quantz (damn him!) apparently said that the "3" designation written over/under groups of notes for triplets is optional.
Running into triplets without the warning sign often sends me off kilter, so much of my music is marked up before the 2nd reading!
Bob Phillips
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