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 mouthpiece patch
Author: winders 
Date:   2008-06-17 08:02

is the mouthpiece patch is important? because i don't use it, and my mouthpiece is okay.

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 Re: mouthpiece patch
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2008-06-17 15:08

Nah. It's not that important. If it feels better to you to have one on, then go ahead and use one. But if you're comfortable with it off, don't worry about it.

If you're curious about the difference, they're VERY cheap and you can try one. Me personally, I use one, but mostly because I have a chipped front tooth and it feels wierd with one point contacting the mouthpiece while the rest of my upper teeth don't (unless the mouthpiece is tilted). With a patch, there's an indentation where my chipped tooth fits so it makes contact across my upper teeth.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: mouthpiece patch
Author: Ed Palanker 
Date:   2008-06-17 15:09

That’s an individual thing. I didn’t use one for many, many years but now I use a very thin one. The reason to use one is if the vibration through your teeth touching the mouthpiece bothers you or you don’t feel you’re hearing your true sound because of the teeth making direct contact with the mouthpiece. Some players use a think one to help open their throat and air passage. My suggestion is to try some and see if it make a positive in your sound or feel. If not, it isn’t necessary for everyone to use one. ESP
www.peabody.jhu.edu/457 (Listen to a little Mozart)

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 Re: mouthpiece patch
Author: claritoot26 
Date:   2008-06-17 18:32

it also protects the mouthpiece from tooth indentations.

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 Re: mouthpiece patch
Author: clarinetguy55 
Date:   2008-06-17 21:59

It could be important to some people, but not important to other people. I use a mouthpiece patch, and I think that it is easier to play with one. It prevents the mouthpiece from sliding around in your mouth, prevents tooth marks on the mouthpiece, and it prevents it from getting scratched.

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 Re: mouthpiece patch
Author: Philcoman 
Date:   2008-06-18 16:19

For me it's essential, but I know many, many people who don't use one.

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 Re: mouthpiece patch
Author: LicoriceStick 
Date:   2008-06-19 01:23

I've always used one. My front teeth are misaligned and this helps me make more even contact with the mouthpiece. I also use a lip saver on my bottom teeth-otherwise they literally cut through my lower lip.

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 Re: mouthpiece patch
Author: rtmyth 
Date:   2008-06-19 14:04

Try them, but your enbouchure can be better if you can avoid biting. .

richard smith

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